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  Defending champions: 衛冕冠軍

Defending champion
在雅典的雙人跳板上,巴塞羅那世錦賽冠軍郭晶晶和吳敏霞為中國跳水隊打響頭一炮,登上三米板雙人冠軍領獎臺。在比賽中兩人配合默契,五個動作共得三百三十六點九分,以領先六分的優勢擊碎了俄羅斯選手貝拉·伊琳娜和尤利婭·帕卡琳娜的衛冕之夢。外電報道如下:The Chinese pair lead for four of the five rounds to push defending champions Yulia Pakhalina and Vera Ilyina of Russia into the silver medal position with veteran Australian duo Irina Lashko and Chantelle Newbery taking bronze. Defending champions表示“衛冕冠軍”,動詞defend本身就有“(運動冠軍)參加衛冕比賽”的意思,例如:She is running to defend her 400 meters title. (她為蟬聯400米冠軍而參賽。)

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