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Saving Fish from Drowning 救救溺水魚
[ 2006-07-19 10:36 ]


Author: Amy Tan

List Price: $26.95

Pages: 496

Publisher:  Putnam Adult

ISBN: 0399153012   

    | Book description |


San Francisco socialite and art-world doyenne Bibi Chen has planned the vacation of a lifetime along the notorious Burma Road for 12 of her dearest friends. Violently murdered days before takeoff, she's reduced to watching her friends bumble through their travels from the remove of the spirit world. Making the best of it, the 11 friends who aren't hung over depart their Myanmar resort on Christmas morning to boat across a misty lake-and vanish. The tourists find themselves trapped in jungle-covered mountains, held by a refugee tribe that believes Rupert, the group's surly teenager, is the reincarnation of their god Younger White Brother, come to save them from the unstable, militaristic Myanmar government.
來自舊金山的一行十二人,準備啟程前往滇緬公路旅行,領隊Bibi Chen 卻在出發之前離奇死忙,旅途依舊展開,而敘事人正是化成魂魄隨行的Bibi。一路上除了東西文化激撞下衍生的各種驚異體驗,一行人也遭到該地部落族人綁架,其中的金發青少年更被族人視為救世主轉世……

About Author
1952-, American novelist, b. Oakland, Calif. The daughter of Chinese immigrants, she has taken for her theme the lives of Asian-Americans and the generational and cultural differences among them, concentrating on women's experiences. Tan's novels include The Joy Luck Club (1989), The Kitchen God's Wife (1991), The Hundred Secret Senses (1995), The Bonesetter's Daughter (2001), and Saving Fish from Drowning (2005). She has also written a children's book, The Moon Lady (1992), and essays, e.g., the autobiographical pieces collected in The Opposite of Fate (2003).
譚恩美,著名美籍華裔女作家。1952年出生于美國加州奧克蘭,曾就讀醫學院,后取得語言 學碩士學位。她因處女作《喜福會》而一舉成名,成為當代美國的暢銷作家。著有長篇小說《 灶神之妻》、《靈感女孩》,《接骨師的女兒》和為兒童創作的《月亮夫人》、《中國暹羅貓》等。








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