“惡搞”怎么說? [ 2006-08-18 08:52 ]
請看《中國日報》相關報道:New regulations are in the pipeline to regulate video content on
the Internet in the wake of a surge in short satirical films online, according
to the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television.
Video spoofs have become so popular that netizens have
even coined a slang term, "egao," to describe the act of using real film clips
to create mocking send-ups.
顯然,報道中的“video spoof”就是互聯網上鋪天蓋地的“惡搞”。
Spoof(惡搞)沿用了“滑稽模仿”這層意思,其近義詞有parody,amusing imitation,send-up??聪旅胬洌?
The show successfully spoofs the TV programs and commercials.
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