如何翻譯“穩健的財政政策和貨幣政策” [ 2006-11-01 10:47 ]
在去年十一月召開的中央經濟工作會議上,決定今年要實行穩健的財政政策和貨幣政策,這標志著實施已近7年的積極財政政策調整了取向。對于“穩健的財政政策和貨幣政策”的英譯,許多媒體都是用prudent fiscal and monetary policies
1. A high-level meeting of the Community Party of China (CPC) held
Wednesday set the tone for China's economic policy next year, declaring that
China will exercise prudent fiscal
and monetary policies in 2005.
2. The policy shift from 'proactive to prudent' fiscal and monetary
policies was made 'to conform with changes in China's macro-economic situation
and consolidate the achievements of macro-control,'
3. China's
proactive fiscal policy, in place
since 1998, has resulted in seven years of world-stunning economic growth. A
prudent policy is the logical choice
to curb overheating of the economy, maintain steady development and improve the
efficiency of the economy.
4. China has begun to shift to a
prudent financial policy for
economic development after having adopted a proactive fiscal policy for securing
sustainable growth during the past seven years.
5. In line with the
prudent policy, the Chinese
government will cut budget deficit and public investment, reform expenditure
structure and push financial reform while carrying out macro-control measures,
he said.
但是,prudent(謹慎)有消極保守的意思:Definition of
PRUDENT: careful and
sensible; marked by sound judgment; "a prudent manager";
"prudent rulers"; "prudent hesitation"; "more prudent to hide than to fight"
1. US prudent policy about
climate change:(謹慎且消極的態度)The US Administration
has come under criticism within many European countries and within the American
community of environmentalists for adopting what is considered to be
too relaxed a view toward the
question of global climate change, more particularly toward the prospect of a
substantial warming of the surface of the earth sometime during the next
2. Prudent fiscal
policy spells economic recovery
英語中sound policy的含義:If sound policy is to be formulated, the issues will
be decided on the basis of three criteria: Is the proposed matter feasible? (Can it be done?) Is it advisable? (Should it be done?) Is it
efficient? (What is the cost-benefit
ratio?) The policy will be sound if
those questions are answered affirmatively, or if a satisfactory compromise
based on the criteria is made.
從以上的解釋不難看出,英語中的sound policy同漢語中的“穩健政策”是比較吻合的。因為它是以可行性、必要性和效益性這“三性”要求為前提的。
Sound Monetary Policy Supports a Healthy
Sound Fiscal Policy
Spurs Economic Growth
European Central Bank president Jean-Claude Trichet
said that sound fiscal policies
would help the ECB to keep interest rates relatively low.
The governor
has highlighted the main objectives of any sound
monetary policy - the maintenance of price stability and
stability of the external value of the domestic currency.
sound monetary and fiscal policy
framework has to be complemented by structural policies that make the economy
more flexible and dynamic.
China's pro-active fiscal policies and sound monetary
policies have contributed to the overall recovery of economy.
Sustaining Economic Recovery through Sound Monetary
由此看來,“穩健”(sound)和“謹慎”(prudent)是可以交替使用的,只是前者更為可取。孫學工在他的《財政赤字政策的選擇》一文中指出:“應根據我國具體情況并參照相應的國際經驗,建立起適合中國國情的、滿足當前發展階段需要的、且又是充分謹慎的財政政策規則。…… 其實更應改為"謹慎的財政政策”。政府之所以選擇“穩健”,只是為了尋求一種平衡與引導,從中可以看到政府的用心良苦,其實怎么說都是無所謂的,大家知道怎么做就是了。”
順便提一下,在互聯網的語料庫里,Sound policy 的例子比較多,Prudent policy的例子比較少,而Cautious
About the author:
陳小全,對外經濟貿易大學商務英語系副教授。1982年畢業于北京外國語大學;曾任教于清華大學外語系和對外經濟貿易管理干部學院英語系;1987-88年,在英國曼徹斯特大學學習并獲語言學碩士學位;1995-98年,在我國駐英國使館經商處任一秘兼調研室主任。十幾年來,主要從事基礎英語及商務英語教學與研究;近年來開始從事實用文體的翻譯與研究。中國翻譯工作者協會中譯外委員會委員及《中國翻譯》雜志特約撰稿人,為該雜志“翻譯自學之友”及“漢英對照欄目”供稿。 | |