擇業指南 [ 2006-11-16 09:50 ]
best paying jobs for graduate entrants are in production, manufacturing and
engineering. All these functions pay at least 5 percent above the general market
average for jobs at graduate entry level. But it is also important to take a
longer--term view and consider those functions that will continue to pay well as
you gain experience and move up the career
ladder. 對于那些剛剛畢業的入行者而言,薪水最優厚的行業有生產、制造以及工程等行業,這些行業支付的薪水比總體就業市場平均值高出至少5個百分點。但是,最重要的是要從長計議,要考慮到隨著你從業經驗的豐富和職業水平的提高,這些行業能夠繼續支付優厚的薪水。
the next level up from graduate entry-the qualified or seasoned professional-the
engineering, IT and legal professions pay best, again each averaging more than 5
percent above the general market average. If we put these two career levels
together, engineering seems to be best for above-average money initially, and
above-average money as you move up the career
ladder. 從剛剛畢業的入行者上一個臺階----成為一名合格的或者經驗豐富的職業人士后,工程、IT和法律行業報酬最為豐厚,且收入水平都比總體市場平均值再高出5個百分點。如果我們把前后這兩個職業層次放在一起,粗淺看來工程行業好象是能夠在一開始就獲得更高收入,并且隨著職業層次的提升保持更高收入。
for long-term maximum gain, the legal profession, although difficult to get
into, offers pay substantially above average for qualified professionals-more
than 10 percent above the norm once you qualify. At upper levels of the career
ladder, this is comfortably the best sector to work in if you want good
money. 但是,就長期最大收益來說,律師行業雖然較難進入,然而一旦成為合格的法律職業者,薪水比一般人要高出10個以上的百分點。在高層次職業上,如果你想要掙到更多的錢,律師這個行業可謂是最佳的。
areas to avoid are in human resources and customer services, which pay between 5
percent and 10 percent below the over all average at entry and later
levels. 要盡量避免的工作領域是人力資源和客戶服務,在這些領域不管是對于新入行者還是經驗豐富的從業者,獲得的報酬一般低于所有行業總體水平5到10個百分點。