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永遠的回憶: Don't You Forget
[ 2006-12-20 17:52 ]

 歌手簡介 如果在“新世紀”音樂瑰麗神秘的色調里,愛爾蘭天籟“Enya”可以被認為是“庭院深深深幾許”的婉約派,法國實驗音樂巨匠“Era”樂團無疑是“驚濤拍岸,卷起千堆雪”的豪放派。

 本網小評 有一種情結,叫懷舊;有一種感動,因憨純;有一種記憶,在夢田…… 有那么一個時刻,響起的這支“Don't you forget”會讓你穿越連綿的時空隧道,沉靜在至真至純的童年,甚至是回到夢里家園。歌曲初始,僅一秒鐘,宏壯的音效合成就把聽者的心載回到久遠的已逝歲月。稚純的童音獨白,清晰、純凈,像清晨透明的露珠;撩撥心弦的女生吟唱平緩、嘹遠,不即不離。


Don't You Forget     by  Era

Girl: Mom is sick, she says she can't get up.
        I know my brother is getting hungry.
        I must go to the village to ask for some food,
        would you help me?
Boy: Sure Connie, I'll help ya.

Girl: I always feel good when you're with me.
Boy: You're my friend, Connie.

Girl: Are you always gonna be there when I grow up,
        are you?
Boy: Cross my heart.

Don't you forget about me
Don't you forget about me
We were soft and young, in a world of innocence.
Don't you forget about me
Don't you forget all of our dreams.
Now you've gone away, only emptiness remains.

Girl: I always feel good when you're with me.
Boy: You're my friend, Connie.
Girl: Are you always gonna be there when I grow up,
        are you?

Don't you forget about me,
Don't you forget about me.
We were soft and young, in a world of innocence.

Don't you forget about me,
Don't you forget all of our dreams.
Now you've gone away, only emptiness remains.

Don't you forget about me
Don't you forget about me

Don't you forget about me
Don't you forget about me
We were soft and young, in a world of innocence.

Don't you forget about me
Don't you forget all of our dreams.
Now you've gone away, only emptiness remains.

Don't you forget about me.
We were soft and young, in a world of innocence.

Don't you forget about me.
Don't you forget about me.


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