影片對白 Okay,
you were right. You were right! This was just not worth it.
3. nutsy
意思是“瘋狂迷戀”。例如:For some reason people are nutsy about Rap.
不知道為什么人們現在很喜歡快板歌。電影中的You know, um, he's really nutsy about
4. figure out
意思是“理解,明白”。例如:I can't figure Jane out. She's a mystery
to me. 我簡直摸不透簡,她對我來說是一個謎。電影中的 Oh. No, no, he is so smart. He'll figure it out.
5.No food with a face
不吃有臉的食物(即動物)。說明菲比是個 Vegetarian(素食主義者)。
6. turn out
“原來”,表示以前不知道后來發現是,“結果是,證明是”。例如:The pretty woman turned
out to be his daughter. 原來這個漂亮女人就是他的女兒。電影中的 Well, it turns out we need a whole
new one. 意思是“嗯,原來我們需要一張全新的表格。”
Vegetarian 素食主義者
Vegetarian一詞,最早是在1847年,由Joseph Brotherton等人在英國素食協會的成立典禮上第一次正式提出來的。這個詞源于拉丁文
奶素(Lacto Vegetarian)除了吃奶制品之外,其它與完全素食者一樣。
嚴格素食者(Strict vegetarian)開始是指完全素食者(vegan),現在也可以指素食者(vegetarian)。
純素食者(Pure vegetarian)與嚴格素食者一樣。
Why should Christians be vegetarians?
Animals are God's creatures, not human property, nor utilities, nor
resources, nor commodities, but precious beings in God's sight. Christians whose
eyes are fixed on the awfulness of crucifixion are in a special position to
understand the awfulness of innocent suffering. The Cross of Christ is God's
absolute identification with the weak, the powerless, and the vulnerable, but
most of all with unprotected, undefended, innocent suffering.
Jesus' message is one of love and compassion, yet there is nothing loving or
compassionate about factory farms and slaughterhouses, where billions of animals
live miserable lives and die violent, bloody deaths. Jesus mandates kindness,
mercy, compassion, and love for all God's creation. He would be appalled by the
degree of suffering we inflict on animals to indulge our acquired taste for
their flesh.
Christians have a choice. When we sit down to eat, we can add to the level of
violence, misery, and death in the world, or we can respect His creation with a
vegetarian diet. God created every animal with the capacity for pain and
suffering. But on today's factory farms, animals are dehorned, debeaked, and
castrated without anesthesia. To maximize profits, they are crowded together in
the least space possible, and are genetically bred, so that most suffer
lameness, crippling leg deformities, or bone breaks, because their legs can't
keep up with their scientifically enhanced bodies. Finally, they are trucked
without food or water, through all weather extremes, to a frightening and
hellish death.
1. 這是他第一次失約,我相信這也是最后一次。
2. 我可以向你提出分手,但是你不可以。
4. 雖然她不再是我女朋友了,我希望她一切都會好。
Friends 1 《老友記》1(精講十六)考考你 參考答案
1. 這家公司會裁員,以平衡預算。
The company will lay off workers to balance the
2. 和同事談戀愛很可能變成惡性長期投資。
Dipping your pen in the company ink is
very likely to wind up being bad long-term investments.
You'd better run it by the boss before your put the idea
into practice.
4. 為了贏得她,他使盡了招術。
He played all his cards to get her.
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