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Desperate Housewives 1《絕望主婦》1(精講之九)
[ 2007-01-12 12:48 ]

文化面面觀  常見的幾種毒品

我觀之我見  在教育孩子的問題上,父母們有不用的看法。有些人認為,只要孩子不做什么大的錯事,就都可以原諒和包容、甚至放任,畢竟這只是青春期的反叛。

考考你  一展身手



Rex: What's this?

Bree: Your son's urine.

Rex (to his golf partner): I'm gonna need a moment.

Bree: I think Andrew has been smoking marijuana, so I want you to take this and get it tested right away.

Rex: Why?

Bree: Because I want you to pull him from the swim team and I don't think you'll allow it without proof.

Rex: Proof or no proof, you're not going to take him off the team.

Bree: Yes, I am.

Rex: If you try, I'm going to go to the coach and tell him to ignore you. We're not gonna screw up Andrew's future just because he sparked a dooby! I mean, come on, we've all done it!

Bree: Not all of us! Rex, I thought you moved back home to try and straighten Andrew out! To teach him the consequences of his actions. I don't understand why you're fighting me on this.

Rex: Because I disagree. Because we're still getting divorced, and I don't have to let you push me around anymore.

Bree: I never pushed you around. We always made our decisions together.

Rex: No, you always made decisions, and tell me I agreed. Eighteen years of smiling and taking it. What, what a liar I was! Thank God you're out of my life!

Bree: Rex!

Rex: Hmmm?

Rex: What the hell are you doing?

Bree: The same thing you just did to every memory I have of our marriage.

Rex: You know what? If you were my mom, I'd smoke pot too!

Tom: Please welcome Mrs. Arlene Norn. We have Arlene and her husband Norris to thank for all our folding chairs this evening. So, please remember for all your folding chair needs...rent Norn's.

Tom: Next up we have Mrs. Betty Nolan.

Gabrielle: Thank god Tom could fill in at the last minute.

Bree: Why did Carlos have to back out?

Gabrielle: Some work emergency. He wouldn't talk about it. Sometimes I could just kill him.

Lynette: Well, look on the bright side, Tom's having the time of his life.

Tom: Hands off, fellas. She's all mine.

Lynette: I guess he does have a sort of dorky charm.

Gabrielle: Okay, you're up first, followed by Lynette, uh, and then Edie... Edie. Where's Edie Britt?


1. Spark a dooby

在 The Lake House 中,我們曾講到joint 有“大麻”的意思,smoke a joint 就是“抽大麻”, spark a dooby 也有同樣的意思。例如:Those young boys spark a dooby and think it's cool. 那些年輕的男孩子抽大麻,還自認為這很酷。

2. Straighten out

“Adopt an honest, upright course”,“(讓孩子)學好/走正路”的意思,比如:He's only sixteen; I'm sure he'll straighten out before long. 他才十六歲,我相信不用多久他自己就會學好的。

3. Push around

“擺布,欺負”的意思,例如:She's not the kind of person who can be pushed around. 她不是那種受人擺布的人。

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