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Prison Break 1《越獄》1(精講之四)
[ 2007-01-29 17:19 ]

文化面面觀  Halfway houses 中途之家--假釋犯的緩沖期

我觀之我見  在一個旁觀者看來,獲得自由、走出監獄應該是每個囚犯的愿望。

考考你  小試牛刀



Michael: Haywire. You ever thought of breaking out?

Haywire: What the hell would I do out there?

Michael: Not be here.

Haywire: Halfway houses, psych visits, meds, checking in with a P.O., urine tests, keeping a job... No. Why you ask?

Michael: This guy was talking about it in the yard yesterday. I didn't know what to say.

Haywire: Tell officer Bellick. He'll make life easy for you, if, uh...

Michael: If what?

Haywire: Your tattoos.

Michael: What about them?

Haywire: What are they of? No no no... What are they? Like, some kind of a...

Michael: They're just tattoos.

C.O.: It's candy time, Haywire.

Haywire: They think I have schizo-affective disorder with bipolar tendencies.

C.O.: Think you got it?

Haywire: Whatever. Ah! I take the pills, keep the quacks off my back. Bye, now. Get out of the way.

Michael: You know, maybe they give you those things for a reason.

Haywire: Yeah. To keep me dull. To keep me in their invisible freakin' handcuffs. Seriously, though, those tattoos, they're beautiful. You mind if I, you know, look at the whole thing?

Michael: I do, actually.

Haywire: Why?

C.O.: Yo! Stand clear!

Michael: Does there need to be a reason?

Michael: Sucre!

Sucre: I ain't even talking to you, man.

Abruzzi: What's the problem?

Michael: Nothing I can't handle.

Abruzzi: Well, I knew there was a problem. I could tell by looking at you from across the yard. Hey, guys, didn't I say there was a problem? So what's the problem?

Michael: You're looking at it.

Abruzzi: What? Haywire?

Michael: Yep. That's my new cellmate. That's a problem. He doesn't sleep.

Abruzzi: So, when do you dig?

Michael: I don't.

Abruzzi: Hey, you and I are in bed now. You made me promise. You said that we were going to get out of here. You renege now, and I'm going to gut you. So, you better take care of your business, or I will take care of you. Have a nice day.


1. P.O.
這里的P.O. 是parole officer 的縮寫,指的是專門管理假釋犯的警察。

2. off one's back

這是一個片語,意思是No longer harassing or bothering someone,也寫作off someone's case,常與get 連用,例如:I told her to get off my back--I'll mow the lawn tomorrow. 我告訴他別再煩我了,我明天會修草坪的。

Off one's back / case的反義形式是on one's back / case,例如:He's been on my back about that report all morning. 整個早晨他都為了那份報告在煩我。

在這個片斷中,I take the pills, keep the quacks off my back. 的意思是:我吃藥是為了讓他們別再沖我亂叫。

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