面試:如何應對角色扮演的問題 [ 2007-03-02 10:52 ]
Case One
Interviewer: You are a director of our company and you are in charge of a
project. There are six people in the project team. Due to different opinions,
the team is split into two parts at a meeting and they are debating ferociously.
At this time, as a leader, what will you do to coordinate the two parts? If the
two parts disagree, what will you do
then? 如果你已經成為我公司的一名主管,由你負責管理一個項目。在該項目的團隊中一共有六個人。在一次會議上,由于觀點不同,團隊分成兩派,,進行了激烈的爭論,這時,你作為領導者該如何協調?如果兩方不能達成共識,你又會怎么辦?
Applicant: First, I will listen to both sides carefully, and make my own
judgment. If I prefer one side, I will give facts and data to persuade the other
side. If my opinion is between the two sides, I will also give facts and data to
prove my opinion right. It is better that the two sides will agree on it. If
not, I will stick to my opinion and allow the colleagues who keep reserved
opinions to give more data and communicate with me. In short, my principle is
that everything should be based on data and facts. Every colleague has the right
to express his opinion. I will try my best to make all people agree on one
thing. If I fail, I will make my decision, as a
leader. 首先我會仔細聆聽雙方的觀點和理由,并作出我的判斷。如果我傾向于其中一方的觀點,我會拿出數據和事實來說服另一方;如果我的觀點是介于兩者之間,我同樣會基于數據和事實來證明我的立場。如果最后大家能夠達成共識自然最好。如果不能,我會堅持我的觀點,但允許持保留意見的同事拿出更多的數據來和我溝通。總之,我的原則是,用數據和事實說話,每一位同事都有權表達他的觀點,我會盡量讓大家達成共識。如果不行,那作為領導者,我會做出一個決定。
Case Two
Interviewer: You are now a team member and if your leader has made a decision
but you don't quite agree with this decision and other members don't express any
special opinions, what will you
do? 如果你現在是一個項目的團隊成員,如果你的領導已經作出了一個決定,但你個人對這個決定不十分贊同,而其他的成員沒有表達特別的意見,那你會怎么做?
Applicant: If my leader has made a decision, but I myself don't quite agree
with this decision and other members don't express any special opinion, I will
still express my opinion. If the leader doesn't agree with me, I will make my
own judgment. If this decision isn't very important, then as a team member, I
will act according to what the leader has decided. If this is a key decision, I
will gather related information to support my view and try to persuade my
leader. 如果我的領導已經做出了一個決定,但我個人對這個決定不十分贊同,而其他的成員沒有表達特別的意見,這時候問我仍然會提出我的意見。如果領導不同意,那我會做出自己的判斷。如果我們這個決定并不是十分重要的,那么作為團隊成員,我會遵照領導的決定來執行;如果是一個關鍵的決定,我會搜集相關的材料為我自己的觀點尋找支持,力求說服領導。
(上海師范大學通訊員殷顥供稿 英語點津 Annabel 編輯) |