[ 2007-10-12 18:18 ]
經濟又好又快地發展 good and steady economic growth
減少貧困 reducing poverty
工業化 industrialization
城市化 urbanization
市場化 marketization
國際化 internationalization.
資源節約型、環境友好型社會 energy-efficient, environment-friendly society
國民生產總值 Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
科學發展觀 Scientific Outlook on Development
和諧社會 harmonious society
基礎教育 primary education
最低生活補助 minimum living/subsistence allowance
節能降耗減排 to save energy, lower energy consumption and reduce pollutants discharge
學齡兒童 school-age children
群眾路線 the mass line
民主集中制 democratic centralism
批評和自我批評 criticism and self-criticism
反對官僚主義 to oppose bureaucratism
避免教條主義to avoid dogmatism
反對形式主義 to oppose formalism
反對奢侈浪費 to oppose extravagance
民生 people's well-being
依法治國 to rule the country according to law
人民代表大會制度 the system of people's congress
中國共產黨領導下的多黨合作和政治協商制度 the system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China
民主決策、民主監督的制度和程序: systems and procedures of democratic decision-making and supervision