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Johnson has been caught on video by a UK newspaper hanging 20 metres above the ground after getting stuck on a zip-wire in a park near the Olympic precinct. |
London mayor Boris Johnson is known for his eccentric methods and publicity stunts, but even he couldn't have planned his latest moment of fame. Johnson has been caught on video by a UK newspaper hanging 20 metres above the ground after getting stuck on a zip-wire in a park near the Olympic precinct. After taking off to the sound of loud applause and cheers, Johnson was inevitably greeted with laughter when he came to a halt and dangled over a crowd of onlookers - which naturally grew rapidly when word spread that the man in charge of the Olympic city was stuck on a zip-wire. Johnson was clearly uncomfortable as the safety harness pulled up the pants on his suit, but luckily the London mayor has experience in awkward situations and dealt with it in a lighthearted manner. "Can you get me a rope?” Johnson asked the crowd of amused onlookers. "I think they needed to test this on somebody going a bit faster." British prime minister David Cameron commented later in the day that only Johnson could make such an embarrassing incident work in his favour. "If any other politician anywhere in the world was stuck on a zip-wire it would be a disaster. For Boris, it’s an absolute triumph," Cameron said. For the record, Johnson was eventually taken safely to the end of the line and strongly recommended the ride to anyone that would listen, although he did have one tip for the owners of the ride. "I think possibly what had happened was that they left a brake on or something," he said. Speaking later to London radio station LBC, he described himself as "the Yuri Gagarin of the zipwire", in reference to the Soviet cosmonaut who was the first person to venture into outer space. A spokeswoman for Mr Johnson said: "Clearly the judges are likely to mark him down for artistic interpretation, and, unlike Team GB, he won't be bagging any gold medals today but he remains unbowed." (Read by Rosie Tuck. Rosie Tuck is a journalist at the China Daily Website.) (Agencies) |
倫敦市長鮑里斯-約翰遜因為行事奇特和愛作秀著稱,但最近這次出洋相肯定不是他計劃好的。 約翰遜近日在奧運會區域的一個公園玩起了高空飛索,但不幸被卡在了20米的高空,還被英國一家報紙拍了下來。 約翰遜在眾人的歡呼喝彩聲中升空,但等待他的卻是人們的笑聲,因為他當時在眾目睽睽之下停了下來,被卡在半空中。奧運主辦城市的市長被卡在高空飛索的消息傳出后,圍觀人群迅速多了起來。 約翰遜顯然不太舒服,因為安全帶拽起了他的西裝褲子。但幸運的是這位倫敦市長曾經經歷過尷尬的場面,他用輕松幽默的方式化解了當時的局面。 他對開心的觀望人群說:“能給我一根繩索嗎?” “我覺得他們該讓其他人以更快的速度來測試一下。” 英國首相大衛-卡梅倫當天稍晚評論說,只有約翰遜能讓這么尷尬的事故轉變為對自己有利的局面。 卡梅倫說:“如果世界上其他地方的政治人物被卡在高空飛索上,那將是一場災難。但對鮑里斯來說,絕對是一場勝利。” 鮑里斯最終安全滑完全程,還對眾人強烈推薦高空飛索,但他對飛索的主人也有話要說。 他說:“我想大概是因為他們安裝了制動裝置什么的。” 他在隨后接受倫敦廣播公司采訪時,將自己描述成“繩索上的加加林”。前蘇聯宇航員加加林是人類進入太空第一人。 約翰遜的一位發言人說:“從藝術表現來看,裁判不會給他打高分,他不會像英國奧運團隊那樣收獲金牌,但他始終不肯屈服。” 相關閱讀 (中國日報網英語點津 Julie 編輯:陳丹妮) |
Vocabulary: publicity stunts: 炒作,作秀 zip-wire: 高空飛索 precinct: 區域,管轄區 for the record: 必須明確指出,鄭重聲明 |
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