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Two men experience the simulated agony of childbirth
Two brave male presenters volunteered to experience labour pains for a skit on their TV show. |
Two brave - or should that be foolhardy - male presenters volunteered to experience labour pains for a skit on their TV show - and found it harder to stomach than they realised. Dutch presenting duo Dennis Storm and Valerio Zena were hooked up to electrodes that replicated the contractions women are forced to undergo - but the men only lasted two hours before they begged for the electrodes to be taken off. The faux labour was filmed and screened during an episode of the pair's hit TV show, Proefkonijnen (Guinea Pigs). But the labour challenge proved too much for the hosts, who writhed in agony as the electrodes kicked in. Speaking ahead of the simulated labour, Storm and Zena revealed they wanted to experience the pain of childbirth because they'd heard that 'giving birth is the worst pain there is'. Strapped up to the electrodes and with the stunt seconds from starting, Zena asks of a nurse: 'Do you think the pain will make us scream?'. Bluntly, she replies: 'Yes, it definitely will.' And the nurse's prediction proved entirely accurate as the pair are left doubled up in pain within moments of the fake contractions kicking in. Although they make a brave attempt to laugh and joke their way through the experience, the misery on their faces gives the game away. So bad is the pain, Zena is left questioning whether he even wants children as his wife would be forced to go through an experience he describes as 'torture'. Torture or not, Zena and Storm aren't the first men to volunteer for fake childbirth. In 2009, Dr Andrew Rochford went through a similar experience for Australian TV show. Two hours later, Rochford was turning the air blue as he struggled to deal with the pain, adding afterwards that he could now 'understand why women swear'. Storm and Zena are no strangers to painful stunts. In 2011, the pair cooked and ate each others' flesh, which was shown on live TV. (Read by Emliy Cheng. Emily Cheng is a journalist at the China Daily Website.) (Agencies) |
兩名勇敢的(也可以說是蠻干的)電視男主持自愿參與了模擬分娩陣痛實驗并拍下過程在節目中播出。但兩人最終發現陣痛難以忍受,以求饒收場。 荷蘭電視節目男主持丹尼斯-斯托納和瓦萊里奧-澤納被貼上電極,以反復體驗女性分娩時經歷的宮縮疼痛,但兩人僅在兩小時后就哀求護士取下電極。 此次分娩陣痛實驗被拍攝下來,并在兩人主持的熱門電視節目《豚鼠》中播出。 但事實證明,兩人難以忍受陣痛的折磨,電極開始工作后痛苦地扭動。 在模擬陣痛實驗前,斯托納和澤納透露他們想體驗女性分娩的痛苦,因為他們聽說“生孩子是最疼痛的事情”。 當護士將電極綁貼在兩人腹部并啟動時,澤納問護士:“你覺得我們會痛得大叫嗎?” 護士毫不客氣地答道:“當然,一定會?!?/p> 事實證明護士的推測完全正確,假性宮縮開始沒多久,兩人就疼痛難忍。 盡管兩人做出勇敢嘗試,以聊天說笑分散注意力,但兩人臉上的痛苦表情讓他們露了馬腳。 兩人疼痛難忍,澤納開始考慮是否要生育,否則妻子將承受如“酷刑般的”痛苦。 不管是不是酷刑,澤納和斯托納并非首次嘗試分娩痛苦的男性。 在2009年,安德魯-羅奇福德 博士進行了相似的體驗,并在澳大利亞的一檔電視節目中播出。 兩小時后,羅奇福德疼痛難忍,破口大罵,他隨后補充說現在終于可以“理解為什么女性分娩時會罵人”。 斯托納和澤納并非首次挑戰疼痛體驗。2001年,他們在直播節目中互相割下對方的一小片肉,并烹調進食。 相關閱讀 (中國日報網英語點津 Julie 編輯:陳丹妮) |
Comments: And thats just the contractions. Imagine how they would have reacted to actually passing something the size of a bowling ball? Then the stitching! 這僅僅是宮縮而已。想象一下如果要把像保齡球一樣大的孩子生下來,他們會作何反應呢?還要縫合! Dumb blokes - they should have asked for an epidural. 愚蠢的家伙,他們應該要求上無痛分娩。 But every woman knows the end result is worth it that's why we are not put off. 但每位女性都知道這樣做非常值得,因此我們毫不退縮。 I imagine the birth process isn't a pleasant experience for the baby either. 我覺得對寶寶來說分娩過程也不舒服。 I'm not surprised. Most men I know take to their deathbed when they have a slight cold. 我一點兒也不驚訝。我認識的大多數男人有點兒小感冒就大呼小叫。 As has always been said, if men had to propagate the species, we would become extinct. 就像說的那樣,如果男人負責繁衍后代,人類早就絕種了。 Vocabulary: foolhardy: 蠻干的,有勇無謀的 double up: (因大笑、劇痛等)(使)彎腰,(使)弓身 give the game away: 露馬腳;露餡兒 turn the air blue: 罵聲不絕, 辱罵 |
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