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20 great actors who've never been nominated for an Oscar
9. Emily Blunt (1983– ) 艾米麗·布朗特
In the mix this year for her tough, thwarted turn in Sicario, Blunt has managed four Golden Globe nominations in movies without getting on the Academy's shortlist once. She's becoming one of the most respected actresses of her generation, in an increasingly broad spectrum of parts. It can only be a matter of time.《少年海羅》這部電影是她艱辛困苦,飽經挫折的轉折點,在那一年,她獲得了四個金球獎提名,卻一次也沒登上奧斯卡榜單。無論從哪個方面來看,艾米麗·布朗特都是她那一代人心目中最受尊敬的女演員之一。相信她獲得奧斯卡提名也是指日可待的事情。
Most robbed for: Supporting Actress, 2006 - Blunt had already broken through in My Summer of Love, but it was her pitch-perfect comic support as Miranda Priestly's hatchet-faced assistant in The Devil Wears Prada which should have catapulted her into the nominees' club. 失之交臂:最佳女配角,2006——布朗特已經在影片《夏日戀曲》中取得突破,她的高音調特別適合出演喜劇配角,在《穿普拉達的女魔頭》中她飾演米蘭達?普瑞斯特里的瘦長臉助理,這個角色本該將她送入提名陣營中去的。
Emily Blunt in Sicario
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