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The 11 most underrated movies you can watch right now
Once upon a time, horror movies regularly ran in your local multiplex. But lately, newer high-quality horror flicks can be found on our televisions. It's a blessing and a curse, there's not that much room for independently produced films to scare crowds en masse at their local theaters, but we know there's always something to find on streaming sites and VOD rental platforms.
So here are 11 horror flicks that you can watch at home with all the lights off and junk food galore -- which some would argue is even better than going to a multiplex and dealing with jerks who talk during all the scary bits.
1. Bite (2015)
This one earned mixed reviews, but please save me a seat on the "really dug it" side of the equation. This freaky Canadian import is about a young woman who slowly transforms (more like "degenerates") into a she-creature after crossing paths with an exotic insect(ish thing). Toss in a few icky kills, a decent dosage of compelling subtext, some fine acting under tough circumstances, and more icky goo than any one film probably needs, and you're looking at a nasty yet darkly amusing horror flick that my mom wouldn't be able to sit through for more than nine minutes. Seth Brundle, on the other hand, would love it.
這部影片口碑褒貶不一,但是我還是深深沉迷在這部電影的魅力中。這部驚悚的加拿大電影講述的是一名年輕的女子被一種外來蟲子之類的東西咬了之后,慢慢變形(更像退化)出現昆蟲的特征。一些惡心無比的殺戮情節,恰到好處、引人入勝的潛臺詞,在艱苦的環境中演員體現出來的精湛演技,還有比別的電影更多的各種惡心的怪物,這就是你要找的重口味、卻帶有趣味的黑暗驚悚片。像我媽這種人看這種片子絕不會超過9分鐘,但是像電影變蠅人里的瘋狂科學家Seth Brundle肯定會喜歡的。
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