
BBC Learning English 英語教學

The script of this programme 本節目臺詞


(Stormy weather)

Yang Li: Hello, I'm Yang Li. 歡迎收聽 Authentic Real English.

Kaz: And I'm Kaz.

Yang Li: Hey Kaz, 外面又是風又是雨的,咱們把門關上吧。

(Door shuts)

Yang Li: Ah that's better. 我剛要問你,上周末的 party 怎么樣?How did it go?

Kaz: It went down a storm Li.

Is this phrase related to stormy weather?

Yang Li: 什么,你說你周末的聚會 'went down a storm' ...因為暴風雨天氣而被取消了?是刮風,下雨,還是下雪?天氣不作美,的確很令人掃興。Was the weather bad?

Kaz: No, no, Li. If something 'goes down a storm' it means it's massively successful and enjoyable - my party went really well - it went down a storm.

Yang Li: 什么,大家都很開心?

Kaz: Exactly. People loved my party so I can say 'It went down a storm.'

Yang Li: So your party went down a storm - 我賽,你真行。

Kaz: That's right.

Yang Li: Kaz 你知道嗎,我昨天作了一個講座。

Kaz: OK Li. How did it go?

Yang Li: 不錯,每個人反應都很好 'my presentation went down a storm.'

Kaz: That's terrific Li! Well done!

Yang Li: 謝謝你 Kaz, 豐富了我的詞匯庫我很喜歡今天的這個短語。下面我們再來聽幾個例句:

  • You should have seen the new band last night. They went down a storm with the audience.
  • My idea for more holidays went down a storm with my colleagues.
  • I like the looks of this new toy. I'm sure it'll go down a storm with our customers.

Yang Li: Kaz 你知道嗎,英語單詞 'storm' 的原意是風暴所以很容易讓人有負面聯想。 Storms are usually destructive aren't they?

Kaz: I agree Li but in this case the word storm is used in a positive sense.

Yang Li: Kaz 說這個短語完全是褒義的,意思就是深受歡迎。不過這是個非正式短語對吧? 'To go down a storm' is informal English is that right?

Kaz: It is.

Yang Li: 所以大家在使用這個短語的時候要特別注意。

Kaz: That's right Li. So what do you think our listeners will think of today's expression?

Yang Li: Undoubtedly, I'm sure it'll go down a storm!

Both: Bye!

(Stormy weather)

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