CHINADAILY手機報 2018-06-09 08:01
一周新聞熱詞榜,一網打盡trending news。CHINADAILY手機報新一期熱詞榜發榜啦!
1. 上合組織峰會
Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit
President Xi Jinping will chair the 18th Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit to be held in Qingdao, Shandong province on June 9-10, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi announced. Leaders of SCO member states and observer states, as well as chiefs of relevant international organizations will attend the summit.
王毅表示,青島峰會是上海合作組織(Shanghai Cooperation Organization,SCO)擴員后召開的首次峰會,也是中國今年第二場重大主場外交活動。屆時,習近平主席將同上海合作組織其他7個成員國、4個觀察員國領導人,以及聯合國等國際組織和機構負責人一道,共商合作大計。習近平主席將為各方來賓舉行歡迎宴會,共同觀看燈光焰火藝術表演,并將先后主持小范圍和大范圍會談,就上海合作組織發展現狀和前景(the current and future development of the SCO)、新形勢下各領域合作(cooperation in all areas under the new situation),以及重大國際和地區問題(major international and regional issues)同大家深入交換意見,同其他成員國領導人共同簽署并發表青島宣言(Qingdao Declaration),批準10余份安全、經濟、人文等領域合作文件(a dozen agreements on security and economic cooperation, and people-to-people exchanges)。結合青島峰會,習近平主席還將邀請俄羅斯、哈薩克斯坦、吉爾吉斯斯坦以及伊朗總統對華進行訪問,并同其他有關國家領導人舉行雙邊會見。
上海合作組織是首個以中國城市命名的國際組織,其成立的初衷就是共同維護本地區和平、安全與穩定。上海合作組織是中華人民共和國、哈薩克斯坦共和國、吉爾吉斯共和國、俄羅斯聯邦、塔吉克斯坦共和國、烏茲別克斯坦共和國,六個國家于2001年6月15日在中國上海宣布成立的永久性政府間國際組織(permanent inter-governmental international organization)。它的前身是"上海五國(Shanghai Five)"機制。
上海合作組織成員(member states):中國、印度、哈薩克斯坦、吉爾吉斯斯坦、巴基斯坦、俄羅斯、塔吉克斯坦和烏茲別克斯坦;
觀察員國家(observer states):阿富汗、白俄羅斯、伊朗、蒙古;
對話伙伴國(dialogue partners):阿塞拜疆、亞美尼亞、柬埔寨、尼泊爾、土耳其、斯里蘭卡。
上海合作組織的最高決策機構是成員國元首理事會(the Council of Heads of State)。上海合作組織有兩個常設機構(permanent bodies),分別是設在北京的上海合作組織秘書處(the Secretariat of the SCO)和設在塔什干的地區反恐怖機構(the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure, RATS)。
上海精神(Shanghai Spirit):
The cooperation within SCO is distinguished by its spirit of mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, mutual consultations, respect for cultural diversity and aspiration for common development. These principles, known as Shanghai Spirit, will continue to serve as the basis for the relations between the SCO member states.
國際合作平臺 international cooperation platform
區域貿易 regional trade
互聯互通 connectivity
產能合作 production capacity cooperation
戰略伙伴關系 strategic partnership
2. 高考
national college entrance exam
The national college entrance exam, known in Chinese as gaokao, - a make-or-break opportunity for Chinese students - started on Thursday, with a surge in test takers this year due to the "baby boom" at the start of the millennium.
今年約有975萬考生參加考試(sit for the exam),比去年增加了35萬人,是8年來高考人數最多的一年(the highest number in eight years)。高考通常會考兩天(generally last two days),對于我國大多數高中生來說,高考堪稱最重要的時刻(the most important moment),因為他們的高考分數將在很大程度上決定他們能否上大學,上哪所大學(their scores largely decide whether they can go to college and which college they can attend),甚至可能決定他們未來的職業前景(determine their future career prospects)。
盡管如此,調查顯示,超過半數受訪00后(post-2000s generation)并不認同"高考改變命運"的說法。門戶網站(portal website)新浪近日進行的調查顯示,對00后來說,高考并非通向美好未來的唯一途徑(the national college entrance exam is not the only route to a promising future)。他們認為,高考只是豐富人生經歷的一次機會(an opportunity to enrich life experiences),不必上升到"改變命運(life-changing)"的高度。"一考定終生"行不通了,00后有更多的出路和發展機會。調查數據顯示,超過25%的受訪00后除了參加普通高考,還嘗試通過海外求學(pursue degrees overseas)、參加自主招生入學考試(attend independent college admission tests)、報考藝術專業(apply for art majors)等途徑上大學。00后成長于互聯網時代,他們的視野更開闊,個性更獨立,超過1/4的考生已有明確的大學或專業目標(have a clear picture for which university or majors they wanted to apply for),61.8%準備自己決定高考志愿。
模擬考試 practice tests
畢業班 senior/graduating class
考試作弊 exam cheating
錄取分數線 enrollment mark
高校擴招 enrollment expansion of colleges
重點大學 key universities
3. 燃油附加費
fuel surcharge
Chinese air carriers announced on Monday the resumption of a fuel surcharge on domestic routes starting June 5.
自5日起,國航(Air China)、東航、海航、上航、春秋航空(Spring Airlines)、深圳航空、西部航空(West Air)、奧凱航空等多家航空公司正式恢復征收國內航線的燃油附加費(fuel surcharge)。上述航空公司已在官網上發布了調整國內航線燃油附加費的通知。通知顯示,5日(出票日期/旅行日期)起,800公里(含)以下及800公里以上航線每人收取燃油附加費10元(charge an additional 10 yuan for each adult ticket on routes both shorter and longer than 800 km)。
一名航空公司內部人員(airline company insider)稱,復征燃油附加費的主要原因是國際油價高企(high international oil prices),以及航空公司成本增加(airlines' increasing costs)。2015年2月燃油附加費停止征收(the end of fuel surcharges)后,國家發改委和民航總局曾規定,將收取民航國內航線旅客運輸燃油附加依據的航空煤油基礎價格(base price of aviation kerosene for civil airlines),由當時每噸4140元提高到每噸5000元,即國內航空煤油綜合采購成本超過每噸5000元時,航空公司可收取燃油附加費(when the jet fuel price surpasses 5,000 yuan per ton, airlines could levy a new surcharge)。
機場稅 airport tax
國際原油價格 world crude oil prices
價格形成機制 pricing mechanism
油品升級 petrol quality upgrade
4. 共享護士
nurse sharing
With featured services like "nurse sharing", it is said to benefit medical professionals who are often underpaid, and bypass non-urgent hospital visits for patients. This is especially the case among the aging population, those with chronic diseases and people in need of care after being discharged from the hospital.
近期,不少app都推出了"醫護到家"、"護士到家"等服務。山東、福建等地悄然興起"共享護士(nurse sharing)"醫療模式。共享護士是分享經濟(sharing economy)大潮中的一個新成員,操作方式與其他共享類服務app相似,也是線上預約(make appointment online),線下服務(offer service offline)。需要護理和服務的患者在平臺登記注冊并上傳用藥處方后根據需求下單,另一邊注冊并通過審核的護士搶單或者由系統派單。
共享護士提供的服務包括上門打針輸液(injection and intravenous fluids)、靜脈采血(blood draw)、外科傷口換藥(wound dressing change)、灌腸(coloclysis)、吸痰導尿(aspiration of sputum and urethral catheterization)、鼻飼(nasal feeding)護理及指導等10多項內容。
普查報告(census report)顯示,中國目前有2.22億60歲以上人口,其中很多都患有慢性病。共享護士這樣的居家在線服務(home-care online services)能夠滿足患者和護士兩方面的需求。據《齊魯晚報》報道,截至目前,中國提供類似服務的app約有20個。
不過業內人士表示,目前護士上門的行業標準缺乏、風險規避制度尚無,對護士及患者而言都沒有保障。行業準入標準和法律監管亟待跟進,以保障新醫療模式健康發展。《工人日報》報道稱,醫患糾紛(medical disputes between doctors and patients)、個人安全及服務提供者的資質(qualifications of providers)等潛在問題都尚待跟進。
上門服務 door-to-door service
居家護理 home-based health care
醫療糾紛 medical dispute
醫保 medical insurance
醫事服務費 medical service fee
5. 逃稅
tax evasion
The Chinese tax authority has started investigations on tax evasion practices in the film and television industry. Any illegal activities uncovered will be punished in line with the law, the State Administration of Taxation said in a statement released on Sunday.
該聲明是針對近日在網上引發熱議的"著名女演員范冰冰或通過簽訂陰陽合同逃稅(evade paying tax through only reporting a fraction of her total income as stated on a payment contract)"一事的回應。著名文化評論人士(cultural critic)、前央視主持人(former CCTV anchor)崔永元早前在其微博上傳了"范冰冰4天片酬合同"的照片(post photos of the contract for a four-day shoot involving Fan)。崔永元稱,該片酬合同中涉及的只是其總收入的小部分,其余大部分片酬則是通過私下簽訂的合同支付(be paid through separate privately-signed agreements),從而達到逃稅(avoid tax payment)的目的。
崔永元曝出明星天價片酬,并起底疑似大小合同、陰陽合同(yin yang contracts)等問題后,國家稅務總局(the State Administration of Taxation)責成江蘇等地稅機關依法開展調查核實。崔永元在接受江蘇新聞廣播記者采訪時已經表示,愿意配合稅務部門展開調查。范冰冰工作室負責人也就此回應稱,范冰冰從未簽過"陰陽合同"(have never signed double contracts)。接下來,將全力配合相關部門依法核查。
"崔永元怒撕范冰冰(Cui Yongyuan bombarding Fan Bingbing)"一事或許只是揭開了明星避稅逃稅的"冰山一角(a tip of the iceberg)"。南京師范大學法學院院長、博士生導師蔡道通教授認為,稅務機關有義務將此作為重要的案件線索,查明是否存在這一陰陽合同的事實,甚至,是否屬于單純孤立的個案(single case),還是普遍存在的演藝界的"潛規則"(broad hidden rule in the film and television industry)。蔡道通認為,行為人如果涉嫌逃稅,則應補繳稅款和繳納滯納金(delaying payment),如涉嫌犯罪(be suspected of crimes),應當將案件移送公安機關進行進一步調查(be sent to police for further investigation)。
增值稅 value-added tax
重復征稅 duplicated taxation
稅制 taxation system
稅負 tax burden
稅收倒置 tax inversion
零容忍 zero-tolerance
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Twice a day (Mon-Fri), 5 yuan a month.
(來源:CHINADAILY手機報 編輯:丁一、馬文英、丹妮)