《王者榮耀》將實行最嚴實名制 接入公安權威數據
中國日報網 2018-09-07 10:51
Tencent Holdings, China's largest gaming and social media company, said it will introduce a real-name registration system for its popular Honour of Kings game to identify underaged players.
騰訊方面宣布,《王者榮耀》的健康系統下周將全面升級。新用戶在首次進入游戲時,會啟動最嚴格的實名策略(real-name registration),接入公安權威數據平臺進行校驗(linking to public security database)。該項校驗能夠精準判斷相關賬號的實名信息是否為未成年人(identify under-age gamers),進而決定是否將此賬號納入到健康系統的防沉迷系統(anti-addiction system)中。
12周歲以下(含12周歲)未成年人每天在《王者榮耀》中限玩1小時(children under 12 limited to one hour a day),同時每日21:00-次日8:00之間禁玩;
12周歲以上未成年人每天限玩2小時(those between 13 and 18 limited to two hours),超出時間后將被強制下線,當天不能再玩(those who exceed the time limit will be forced offline and denied access to the game within the day);
陸續增加“未成年人消費限額(place caps on the amount of money that underage users can spend on games)”功能,限制未成年人的非理性消費;
升級成長守護平臺(parental control platform),大幅降低操作門檻,家長只需要簡單步驟就可以完成綁定,對未成年人子女的游戲賬號進行健康行為的監護(monitor their children’s gaming account activities)。
騰訊表示,此次實名制是從新用戶開始,逐步完成覆蓋,然后再將現有老用戶納入整體計劃(existing users will be included in the policy),也會在其他游戲產品中逐步擴大公安權威數據平臺的接入范圍(more gaming products will have access to the public security database)。
上周,教育部等八部委聯合發布《綜合防控兒童青少年近視實施方案》。其中國家新聞出版署提出要實施網絡游戲總量調控(curb the number of new online games available to children),采取措施限制未成年人使用時間(take new measures to limit their time on games)。
實名登記 real-name registration
網絡游戲 online game
游戲成癮 video game addiction
防沉迷系統 anti-addiction system
多人角色扮演游戲 multi-player role-playing game
(中國日報網英語點津 Helen)