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中國日報網 2019-06-01 10:05


亞洲文明對話大會 Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations

President Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony of the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations in Beijing on May 15 and delivered a keynote speech. He called for efforts to jointly create a brighter future for civilizations of Asia and the world.

2014年5月,亞洲相互協作與信任措施會議第四次峰會在上海舉行,習近平主席在峰會上講話時,首次提到了亞洲文明對話大會。2019年5月亞洲文明對話大會在北京舉行,大會圍繞亞洲文明交流互鑒與命運共同體(exchanges and mutual learning among Asian civilizations as well as a community with a shared future)的主題,舉辦了開幕式和六場平行分論壇,還舉辦了亞洲文化嘉年華(Asian cultural carnivals)、亞洲文明周(Asian civilization week)、亞洲美食節(Asian food festival)等活動。

外來入侵物種 invasive alien species

The provincial government of Yunnan has published a new list of invasive alien species. It includes 441 alien species and 4 variants, such as Fushou snails, Blattella Americana as well as crayfish, 50.1% of which originate from the American continent, according to a report from the Xinhua News Agency.


所謂外來入侵物種(invasive alien species),是指在當地的自然或者半自然生態系統中形成了自我再生能力(develop a self-reproduction ability)、可能或者已經對生態環境、生產或者生活造成明顯損害或者不利影響(cause visible damage to or negative impact on the environment, production or daily life)的外來物種。


云南此次發布的《名錄》將入侵物種劃分為5大類,包括Ⅰ級惡性入侵類(invasive alien species of malignant consequences)、Ⅱ級嚴重入侵類(invasive alien species of severe consequences)、Ⅲ級局部入侵類( invasive alien species of partial consequences)、Ⅳ級一般入侵類(invasive alien species of average consequences)、Ⅴ級有待觀察類(invasive alien species to be observed)。


曾參與中科院昆明動物研究所就對滇池流域小龍蝦分布范圍和種群數量全面調查項目的杜麗娜說:“小龍蝦治理沒有特效辦法,只能通過截斷、圍擋等手段(constructing barriers)控制其生存范圍。而大量人工捕撈反而會擴大其種群生存空間,從而刺激小龍蝦加速繁殖。”

小龍蝦可通過捕食本地動植物(predating on local animals and plants)、攜帶和傳播致病源(carrying or spreading pathogen)等方式危害土著物種,同時其掘洞習性(habit of hole digging)對水利工程有破壞作用,嚴重的可能引發決堤洪澇等險情。


據了解,目前常用的防治外來入侵物種的方式主要有人工防治、化學防治等,人工防治(manual control)依靠人力或者機械設備進行清除,化學防治(chemical control)則是用化學除草劑(use of pesticides)防除。

大數據 big data

The China International Big Data Industry Expo 2019 kicked off in Guiyang, Guizhou province, on Sunday. The four-day event has attracted 448 enterprises from 59 countries and regions to show the latest products, solutions, technologies, achievements and patterns on big data.

從2019年開始,數博會每年邀請一個國家作為主賓國(host country),在大會期間舉辦專題活動,展示主賓國大數據相關成果,提供技術分享及交流合作的機會。


China attaches great importance to the development of the big data industry, and is willing to share opportunities of the digital economy's development with other countries and jointly explore new growth drivers and development paths by exploring new technologies, new business forms and new models.

八達嶺長城 the Badaling section of the Great Wall

In a bid to keep crowd sizes down, authorities in charge of the Badaling section of the Great Wall in Beijing are introducing real-name online ticketing as of June 1, with daily ticketing being capped at 65,000, according to the Badaling office of Yanqing district.



Cap這個詞大家都認識,本意是“帽子”,尤指那種帶帽舌的帽子,比如baseball cap(棒球帽)。在這里,cap作為動詞使用,表示“對(價格、支出、借款等)進行限制”,相當于set a limit on/put a ceiling/impose a cap on,比如,Their salary was capped at 10,000 yuan per month./The management team put a salary cap of 10,000 yuan on them.(他們的月薪不能超過1萬元。)而且這里的限制一般都指“上限”,因為ceiling和cap都在我們的頭頂,在某件事上加了個天花板或者帽子,其實就是相當于“給某事設了一個上限”。

景區工作人員介紹,計劃游覽八達嶺長城的游客,包括散客購票和旅游機構團隊購票(individual and group tourists),可以登錄八達嶺長城官方在線售票系統(ticket.badaling.cn)、八達嶺長城景區官網(www.badaling.cn)或者關注八達嶺長城景區官方微信公眾號,提前7天進行網上預約購票(purchase tickets seven days in advance)。預約購票成功的游客可持身份證直接入園。


景區日接待量(the number of visitors)達到日最佳承載量(the best carrying capacity)的60%(即3.9萬人次),將發布黃色預警(yellow alert);

景區日接待量(the number of visitors)達到日最佳承載量(the best carrying capacity)的80%(即5.2萬人次),將發布橙色預警(orange alert);

景區日接待量(the number of visitors)達到日最佳承載量(the best carrying capacity)的100%(即6.5萬人次),將發布紅色預警(red alert)。

當游客人數超過預警值,八達嶺長城景區將會采取暫緩檢票(suspend admission)以及利用信息化手段及時對外發布門票剩余信息(timely release of ticket information)等措施,對游客流量進行控制。

性侵害違法記錄 record of sexual misconduct


Lawbreakers with a history of criminal penalties for rape or child molestation, or administrative penalties for seducing, providing shelter and making introductions for prostitution will be barred from jobs at schools, training institutions, day care centers, hospitals and child welfare facilities.


這里的be barred from表示“禁止、阻止”,與我們常見的ban是近義詞,bar和ban通常可以替換使用。如果一定要講這兩個詞的區別的話,ban的動詞和名詞形式多用于表示政府官方機構頒布的“禁令”,而bar通常不帶有官方性質。另外,在美劇中經常會看到監獄都有一面鐵柵欄墻,所以behind bars表示“進監獄”,比如,The police said they would put him behind bars some day.(警察說總有一天要把他關進監獄。)

除了對教師、醫生、教練、保育員等直接對未成年人負有特殊職責的工作人員進行審查外,意見還將保安、門衛、駕駛員等不具有特殊職責,但具有密切接觸未成年人條件的其他工作人員納入適用對象(the policy also applies to security guards, gatekeepers and school bus drivers who have opportunities to come into contact with minors at work)。同時,與未成年人密切接觸行業用人單位招募的志愿者在入職前也需進行審查(volunteers recruited for such institutions will be screened as well)。

此外,與未成年人密切接觸行業用人單位在招錄工作人員時,應當要求包括外國籍人員在內的應聘人員如實報告本人是否存在性侵害等違法犯罪記錄(job applicants should honestly tell employers whether they have any record of sexual misconduct or not)。

用人單位應當對擬錄用人員是否存在性侵害違法犯罪記錄的情況進行審查,并可以向公安機關進行核實(verify with the police)。

歸化球員 naturalized player

Beijing Guo'an midfielder Li Ke will become the first naturalized player ever to enter the Chinese men's national team as the Chinese Football Association released the new 24-man squad called up by newly returned head coach Marcelo Lippi on Thursday.


歸化(naturalization)指非某國公民獲取該國公民身份或國籍的行為或過程(the legal act or process by which a non-citizen in a country may acquire citizenship or nationality of that country)。

歸化球員(naturalized player),是指在自己國籍以外自愿、主動取得其他國家國籍的球員(a player who willingly and voluntarily acquires nationality of a country other than his country of origin)。


1、球員出生在該國(the player was born in the host country);

2、球員的父母至少一方出生在該國(either one of the player's parents was born in the host country);

3、球員的祖父母至少一方出生在該國(either one of the player's grandparents was born in the host country);

4、在入籍國連續生活滿5年(the player has been living in the host country for at least 5 years)。



Li Ke, 26, came from English Premier League side Arsenal's youth academy and has played for Arsenal and English Championship side Brentford.

Hou Yongyong, 21,joined Guo'an from Norway's first division league giants Rosenborg Ballklub. He started playing for Rosenborg Ballklub from 16 and was the youngest player in the club's history.

各國對歸化人員的要求各不相同,不過基本都要求遵守入籍國的法律(obey and uphold the host country's laws)、對入籍國的主要語言和文化有足夠的了解(adequate knowledge of the national dominant language or culture)。


"Naturalized players should be given traditional Chinese cultural education and learn Chinese history and the [country's current] situation," states a new regulation released by the Chinese Football Association.

Naturalized players should be able to tell the national flag and emblem and sing the national anthem, the regulation says.



(中國日報網英語點津 Helen)

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