中國日報網 2020-03-17 11:28
3月16日,最高法、最高檢、公安部、司法部、海關總署五部門聯合發布《關于進一步加強國境衛生檢疫工作 依法懲治妨害國境衛生檢疫違法犯罪的意見》。
According to the guideline, people refusing the health checks or falsifying health statement cards while entering China will be identified as committing the crime of disturbing frontier health and quarantine.
1. 檢疫傳染病染疫人或者染疫嫌疑人(people with quarantinable infectious diseases or suspected epidemic victims)拒絕執行海關依照國境衛生檢疫法等法律法規提出的健康申報(health declaration)、體溫監測(temperature check)、醫學巡查(medical inspection)、流行病學調查(epidemiological investigation)、醫學排查(medical screening)、采樣等衛生檢疫措施,或者隔離、留驗、就地診驗、轉診等衛生處理措施的。
2. 檢疫傳染病染疫人或者染疫嫌疑人采取不如實填報健康申明卡等方式隱瞞疫情(hide epidemic information),或者偽造、涂改檢疫單、證等方式偽造情節的(falsifying quarantine forms)。
3. 知道或者應當知道實施審批管理的微生物、人體組織、生物制品、血液及其制品等特殊物品可能造成檢疫傳染病傳播,未經審批仍逃避檢疫,攜運、寄遞出入境的(transport or post special articles that may cause spread of quarantinable infectious diseases)。
4. 出入境交通工具上發現有檢疫傳染病染疫人或者染疫嫌疑人,交通工具負責人拒絕接受衛生檢疫或者拒不接受衛生處理的(refuse quarantine or sanitation measures)。
5. 來自檢疫傳染病流行國家、地區的出入境交通工具上出現非意外傷害死亡且死因不明的人員,交通工具負責人故意隱瞞情況的(people who intentionally hide non-accidental deaths on the public transport that is under their charge and from a region or country where an infectious disease is rampant)。
6. 其他拒絕執行海關依照國境衛生檢疫法等法律法規提出的檢疫措施的。
Although some people clearly knew they had COVID-19 symptoms or had been to high-risk countries, they concealed that crucial information to avoid quarantines. Some even took fever-reducing drugs to cover up symptoms and pass inspections, said Wang of the customs administration.
他提醒,廣大出入境旅客在出入境時一定要如實、完整、準確地填報健康申明卡,并配合海關做好體溫監測、醫學巡查、流行病學調查等各項衛生檢疫措施(follow quarantine measures),這既是對本人和家人健康安全的保護,也是必須履行的法律義務(legal obligation)。
國境衛生檢疫 frontier health and quarantine
傳染病檢疫及監測 quarantining and monitoring of infectious diseases
病毒攜帶者 virus carrier
行走的傳染源 mobile source of infection
傳染途徑 route of transmission
輸入病例 imported case
(中國日報網英語點津 Helen)