表達 “a difficult middle child” 指的既不是兄弟姐妹當中的老大,也不是老小,而是那個夾在中間總愛闖禍、難管教的孩子。
人們猜測,“a difficult middle child” 所指的這類孩子因為年齡在兄弟姐妹當中不上不下,既沒有老大的姿態,也不像老末那樣受盡寵愛,所以他們的不良行為可能是由于感到被人忽視和嫉妒引起的,而惹事也許是想從父母或權威人物那里得到更多關注的一種方式。
Clara has an older and younger sister and always got into loads of trouble at school. Her sisters never behaved badly - she was definitely a difficult middle child!
My parents always said my brother was a difficult middle child because he was so naughty. I thought he was so cool, though!
I was a really difficult middle child, but now I have children of my own, I feel really bad about how I used to behave!