Tourism trouble in Egypt 埃及旅游業因新冠肺炎疫情受創
有關 “economic problems(經濟問題)” 的詞匯
How many camels did Ashraf have before the coronavirus pandemic?
An historic clean up at the pyramids. For millennia, this world wonder has wowed visitors. But coronavirus killed off Egypt's tourism and with it, the livelihoods of millions. Like Ashraf - unable to feed his family, he kept his favourite camel, but had to sell two others.
“It has been tough on everyone,” he says. “I have no money. A camel’s food alone costs six dollars a day.”
The ancient attractions are now reopening, but they’re empty except for the occasional local visitor. It's a blow after tourism had just recovered from years of turmoil.
Guide Shahenda loves taking tourists around her country. Since the pandemic, she's lost a thousand holiday bookings. For now, she's only sightseeing with her husband.
Shahenda Adel, tour guide
We had to cancel flights, hotels, and that includes everyone who works in the hotel. The company itself and people behind desks - we all lost our jobs. And then you have drivers, you have cars, restaurants – all of these things are down.
莎亨達·阿戴爾 導游
The tourism minister's on a mission to bring back business and revive the economy, highlighting new hygiene and safety rules and showing how foreigners can now fly in to some beach resorts.
Khalid Al-Anany, Minister of Tourism and Antiquities
We lost around one billion dollars per month and we are estimating that we will still lose a lot of money during the next coming weeks and months.
哈立德·阿納尼 埃及旅游和文物部長
Restoring tourism will take time. But Egypt's counting on the enduring allure of its rich pharaonic past. And for a star attraction, what could be more appropriate these days than a golden face mask?
恢復旅游業需要時間。但埃及希望能通過依賴它法老時代傳承的持久魅力助其一臂之力。作為一個極具吸引力的景點,如今還有什么比一副 “金色面罩” 更合時宜的呢?
killed off 破壞了,扼殺了
a blow 一記重創
turmoil 動蕩,混亂
on a mission 下決心做(某事)
counting on 依靠,指望
Ashraf had three camels before the coronavirus pandemic, but he had to sell two.