“Affect” 和 “effect” 的拼寫相近,讀音也非常相似,所以它們的用法很容易被混淆。“Affect” 通常作動詞使用,而 “effect” 通常作名詞使用。主持人 Phil 通過例句巧妙辨析 “affect” 和 “effect” 之間的不同之處,看視頻。
Hi! I'm Phil from BBC Learning English. Today, I'm going to tell you the difference between affect with an 'a' and effect with an 'e'.
Just remember that affect with an 'a' is a verb. It means 'to influence'. So, for example: Tiredness is affecting my work.
Effect with an 'e' is usually a noun, and it means 'the result of something'. The effect of not having breakfast is to feel really hungry.
Effect can be a verb. It's very formal and it means 'to implement something'. The management effected a new policy.
So, if you find this difference affecting your English, just remember that affect with an 'a' is a verb and that effect with an 'e' is usually a noun. And the effect will be you don't make any more mistakes!
1 Affect
“Affect” 通常作動詞使用,意思是 “影響”。
Tiredness is affecting my work.
People's confidence in the future affects the stock market.
The earthquake affected people for miles around.
注意:“affect” 在極少數的情況下可以作名詞使用,意思是 “影響行為的情緒反應或欲望”,這個用法多出現在談論心理學的語境中。
2 Effect
“Effect” 通常作名詞使用,意思是 “效果,結果,影響”。
The effect of not having breakfast is to feel really hungry.
The aspirin's effect took a long time to start working.
The romantic movie had a strange effect on his emotions.
“Effect” 也可以作動詞使用,意思是 “使…發生”,這個用法較正式。
The management effected a new policy.
Environmentalists around the world are trying to effect ecofriendly changes.
“Affect” 和 “effect” 的發音很相似。
在英式英語中,“affect” 讀作 /??fekt/”,“effect” 讀作 /??fekt/。
在美式英語中,“affect” 和 “effect” 的發音相同,都讀作 /??fekt/。