中國日報 2022-03-07 17:24
新華社記者 鞠鵬 攝
Food security is among a country's most fundamental interests. Of all things, eating matters most, and food is the most basic necessity of the people.
Through enormous efforts, China is capable of feeding one fifth of the global population with nine percent of the world's arable land and six percent of the freshwater resources. Seven decades ago, the country had an underfed population of 400 million, but today its 1.4 billion people are eating well with a great range of choices. This is a powerful answer to the question “Who will feed China?”
We should not slack off on the food security issue. Despite China's industrialization, food supply should never be considered an insignificant issue, and we cannot rely solely on the international market to solve it.
Ensure that the annual grain output remains above 650 million metric tons and that domestic grains play a main role in ensuring the food supply for the Chinese people.
Farmland is the lifeline of grain production and the foundation of the sustainable development of the Chinese nation.
Measures to protect farmland must have teeth. Local party committees and governments at all levels should be held strictly accountable for farmland protection. The central authorities will make all the local authorities pledge themselves to protect farmland, assessment on officials must be strict, and anyone who ever break farmland protection rules will be held accountable throughout their lifetime, so as to ensure that China's total of 120 million hectares of farmland is a reliable figure.
Science and technology are key to food security.
We should adopt a “Greater Food” approach, and, with the aim of better satisfying the people's needs for a better life, grasp the changes in people's food structure. While ensuring grain supply, we must also guarantee an effective supply of various foods including meat, vegetables, fruits and aquatic products. None of them should be lacking.
We can harvest food from forests, from rivers, lakes and seas, and from protected agriculture. Apart from traditional crops and livestock and poultry resources, we should exploit biological resources. By developing biological science and technology and bio-industries, we can obtain calories and protein from plants, animals and microorganisms.