詞匯:health 健康
Everyone gets tired – it's a normal part of human existence. It can make us grouchy and grumpy at the end of the day, but a good night's sleep will often leave us feeling well rested. However, sometimes we feel more than just general tiredness. We can get overtired and feel a bit run-down which may affect our daily lives – but what can we do about it? Here are some things that may stop you getting overtired.
Being very tired frequently could be the result of lifestyle choices: poor diet, lack of exercise, or an inefficient routine. For some people, changes to their habits and routines could help them to beat bouts of extreme tiredness. First, let's look at physical health. According to the UK National Health Service (NHS) website, eating healthy meals and snacks regularly, around 3-4 times per day, could improve your energy levels. Giving your body the fuel it needs could help you to be more energised, and therefore, less tired. If you're feeling overtired, you might not want to exercise. However, regular physical activity may actually mean you are less tired in general. Activities like jogging or cycling could also help you get fitter. And being more active could help you to lose weight, which can also aid you in the battle against tiredness. Those extra kilos from being overweight put a strain on your heart, which can lead to you feeling more tired.
Another thing that can leave us feeling weary and drained is stress. Reducing your stress levels may help you to feel less tired on a regular basis. Taking up an activity like yoga or going for a walk could help you to unwind and feel more refreshed. And you may think if you're feeling tired, that a good cup of coffee will perk you up. However, the Royal College of Psychiatrists recommends anyone feeling tired to cut down on their caffeine intake, especially after mid-afternoon, to get better sleep at night.
Finally, if you do find yourself feeling overtired constantly for days or weeks, you may be suffering from fatigue or exhaustion. If so, it could be a good idea to visit the doctor in case it's a symptom of an underlying health issue. However, for most of us, the odd day of feeling overtired might be fixed with a change in lifestyle and a few good nights' sleep.
grouchy 滿腹牢騷的
grumpy 脾氣不好的
well rested 休息好的,精力充沛的
overtired 過度疲勞的
run-down (尤指因工作過度)精疲力竭的
beat 戰勝,克服
bout 一陣
fuel 能量,燃料
energised 精神煥發的
strain 負擔
weary (尤指長時間工作后)疲憊的
drained 精疲力竭的,疲憊不堪的
take up 開始從事(活動),參加
refreshed 神清氣爽的
unwind 放松
perk somebody up 使(某人)精神煥發
cut down 減少
fatigue 疲憊
exhaustion 精疲力竭
underlying 潛在的
1. 閱讀課文并回答問題。
1. What can cause tiredness?
2. According to the NHS, how often should we eat?
3. What are the effects of being overweight?
4. How can we reduce stress?
5. Why should you see a doctor if you think you might have fatigue?
2. 選擇意思恰當的單詞或詞組來完成下列句子。
1. Buying a second car put a _______ on our finances.
draining fatigue strain cut down
2. I'm just so stressed! I can't _______ at the moment!
cut out exhaustion fuel unwind
3. I went to the countryside for a weekend to help me feel more _______.
draining refreshed perk up weary
4. The doctor said I need to _______ on the number of sugary drinks I consume.
drain cut down weary fuel
5. I think he's tired! He's in a bad mood and really _______.
grouchy refreshed strain unwind
1. 閱讀課文并回答問題。
1. What can cause overtiredness?
Being very tired frequently could be the result of lifestyle choices: poor diet, lack of exercise, or an inefficient routine.
2. According to the NHS, how often should we eat?
According to the NHS website, we should eat healthy meals and snacks regularly, around 3-4 times per day.
3. What are the impacts of being overweight?
Those extra kilos from being overweight put a strain on your heart which can lead to you feeling more tired.
4. How can we reduce stress?
Taking up an activity like yoga or going for a walk could help you to unwind and feel more refreshed.
5. Why should you see a doctor if you think you might have fatigue?
Because it could be a good idea to visit the doctor in case it's a symptom of any underlying health issues.
2. 選擇意思恰當的單詞或詞組來完成下列句子。
1. Buying a second car put a strain on our finances.
2. I'm just so stressed! I can't unwind at the moment!
3. I went to the countryside for a weekend to help me feel more refreshed.
4. The doctor said I need to cut down on the number of sugary drinks I consume.
5. I think he's tired! He's in a bad mood and really grouchy.