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Tiny fish as loud as a pneumatic drill 研究人員發現一種小魚發出的聲響音量堪比風鉆


This buzzing, chirping sound is the pulsing chatter of the tiny transparent Danionella cerebrum as heard by the human ear. Researchers in Germany were intrigued by the noise coming from the fish tanks in their lab and decided to investigate the source. Using underwater microphones, they quickly deduced that this species was no small fry when it came to communication.

你聽到的這種嗡嗡的嘰喳聲是一種學名為 “Danionella cerebrum” 的透明小魚的脈沖聲。德國的研究人員們偶然聽到了從實驗室的魚缸中發出的噪音,對此很感興趣,所以決定找出這個噪音的來源。通過利用水下麥克風,研究人員很快就推斷出,就交流方式而言,這個魚類物種絕不可小覷。

This is the slowed down sound booming out like a heartbeat. The fish uses its muscles to strike its own swim bladder to produce a short loud sonic pulse. In the waters close to the fish, it taps out 140 decibels, which is as loud as a gunshot.

這段經調慢處理后的音頻播放的是這種透明小魚發出的像心跳一樣低沉有力的聲音。它們牽動自身肌肉沖擊體內的魚鰾,從而發出一個短暫而響亮的聲波脈沖。在靠近這種透明小魚的水域內,可以探測到它們發出高達 140 分貝的聲音,如槍聲一樣響亮。

Researchers believe this quirky communication behaviour evolved in the murky streams in Myanmar, where the fish lives. Other fish, including the Plainfin Midshipman, and the Black Drum are louder, but also much bigger creatures.



buzzing 發出嗡嗡聲
chirping 發出嘰喳聲
pulsing 脈沖的
intrigued 使人感興趣的
small fry 無足輕重的人或事物
swim bladder 魚鰾
quirky 古怪的,奇特的
murky 渾濁的,昏暗的


1. In which country was the sound made by the fish discovered? 

2. How does the fish produce the sound?

3. How loud is the sound?

4. True or False? Danionella cerebrum is the loudest fish.  


1. In which country was the sound made by the fish discovered?

Researchers in Germany discovered the sound made by the fish.  

2. How does the fish produce the sound?

The fish produces the sound by using its muscles to strike its own swim bladder.

3. How loud is the sound?

The fish makes a sound that is 140 decibels – as loud as a gunshot.  

4. True or False? Danionella cerebrum is the loudest fish.   

False. Other fish, including the Plainfin Midshipman and the Black Drum are louder.

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