如果一個人被形容為“a square peg in a round hole”意思就是“他是一個不適宜擔任某一職務的人”。他的性格,表現或態度與周圍的人都不一樣,和大家格格不入。
If you want a long career here you’re going to have to try not to be such a square peg in a round hole. We all have to work together.
I've decided I'm going to quit university. I feel like a square peg in a round hole, I don't belong here. I just want to play music.
另一個短語 take someone down a peg or two 意思是“煞煞某人的威風”。讓某人知道他并不是自己想象的那么聰明或者重要。
John is such a pain. He thinks he's so smart, but it was really cool the way the professor took him down a peg or two.
I? don't like being cruel but I had to take him down a peg or two. He was over-confident and I was worried that he was going to get hurt.