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November 10
1960: Lady Chatterley's Lover sold out
[ 2007-11-12 11:41 ]

November 10
Penguin are delighted the controversial book has sold out across the country
1960: Lady Chatterley's Lover sold out

England have

Bookshops all over England have sold out of Penguin's first run of the controversial novel Lady Chatterley's Lover - a total of 200,000 copies - on the first day of publication.

DH Lawrence's sexually explicit novel was published in Italy in 1928 and in Paris the following year. It has been banned in the UK - until now.

Last month, after a dramatic and much-publicised trial, Penguin won the right to publish the book in its entirety.

For those who can manage to find a copy, it is available in paperback for just 3s 6d.

London's largest bookstore, W&G Foyle Ltd, said its 300 copies had gone in just 15 minutes and it had taken orders for 3,000 more copies.

When the shop opened this morning there were 400 people - mostly men - waiting to buy the unexpurgated version of the book.

Hatchards in Piccadilly sold out in 40 minutes and also had hundreds of orders pending.

Selfridges sold 250 copies in minutes. A spokesman told the Times newspaper, "It's bedlam here. We could have sold 10,000 copies if we had had them."

Lady C, as it has become known, has also become a bestseller in the Midlands and the North where demand has been described as "terrific".

The book tells of Lady Chatterley's passionate affair with Mellors, the family gamekeeper, and details their erotic meetings.

Last year the government introduced the Obscene Publications Act that said that any book considered obscene by some but that could be shown to have "redeeming social merit" might still published.

This prompted Penguin to print off and store 200,000 copies with the aim of completing a set of works by DH Lawrence to commemorate the 30th anniversary of his death this year.

Penguin sent 12 copies to the Director of Public Prosecutions challenging him to prosecute, which he duly did.

The six-day trial at the Old Bailey began on 27 October and gripped the nation.

The defence produced 35 witnesses, including bishops and leading literary figures, such as Dame Rebecca West, EM Forster and Richard Hoggart.

The prosecution was unable to make a substantial case against the novel and at one point prosecution counsel Mervyn Griffith-Jones shocked the jury by asking: "Is it a book you would wish your wife or servants to read?"  

November 10
Mr Saro-Wiwa insisted they were framed

1995: Nigeria hangs human rights activists

Artificially 1969:
The The writer and human rights activist, Ken Saro-Wiwa, has been executed in Nigeria despite worldwide pleas for  clemency.

The country's military rulers ordered the execution of Mr Saro-Wiwa and eight other dissidents should go ahead at 0730 local time (0830 GMT).

They were taken in chains to a prison in the southern city of Port Harcourt and hanged.

The activists were condemned to death 10 days ago after being found guilty of involvement in four murders.

Mr Saro-Wiwa insisted they were framed because of their opposition to the oil industry in the Niger-Delta region of southern Nigeria.

At his trial Mr Saro-Wiwa said the case was designed to prevent members of his tribe, the Ogoni, from stopping pollution of their homeland and getting a fair share of oil profits.

Dozens of Ogonis have been imprisoned by the military regime led by General Sani Abacha who seized power two years ago.

The government is fearful of their opposition to mining driving the companies away, especially the Anglo-Dutch group, Shell.

Shell is the largest operator in Nigeria and oil it extracts in the Niger-Delta region provides most of Nigeria's export earnings.

The deaths of Mr Saro-Wiwa and the other activists looks likely to lead to Nigeria's expulsion or suspension from the Commonwealth whose leaders are currently meeting in New Zealand.

After news of the executions became public, South African President Nelson Mandela said his delegation would recommend Nigeria's suspension until a democratic government was elected.

British Prime Minister John Major called the executions "judicial murder" and said he did not see how Nigeria could now remain in the Commonwealth. 


unexpurgated: not having material deleted(未經刪節的)

bedlam: a state of extreme confusion and disorder(混亂;騷亂情景)

clemency: disposition to forgive and spare, as offenders; mildness of temper; gentleness; tenderness; mercy(溫和;和藹)

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