3月27日晚,世界杯預選賽非洲區馬里對多哥的比賽在最后一分鐘被迫中斷,起因是客場作戰的多哥隊在最后時刻將比分反超為2:1,導致主場馬里隊出線無望。氣憤至極的數千名馬里球迷瘋狂地沖進球場,造成足球賽事史上的嚴重騷亂事件。外電報道如下:Angry fans invaded the field and forced the suspension of an African World Cup qualifying match between Togo and host Mali, then went on a riot and looting spree in Bamako.
Togo led 2-1 when the game was stopped in second-half injury time.
The home fans at the packed 70,000-seat March 26 Stadium became upset when Kader Koubadia scored what appeared to be a goal in injury time.
Police fired tear gas at dozens of angry fans who ran onto the field after the goal, and state television immediately cut its live transmission. Dozens of people passed out after inhaling the gas.
Pass out意為“昏倒,失去知覺,醉得不省人事”,此外還有“畢業,結業,分送(禮品),不復,不再”等多種含義。