“民生”—— 溫家寶總理答記者選錄 [ 2007-03-16 14:44 ]
word of people's wellbeing has also
been a catch word in the government work report, which frequently appears in the
writings. On this issue of people's well-being, you have also introduced a
number of new measures and promised to increase the input in this regard.
My question is as follows that what kind of measures will you take to insure
that all the polices you have introduced and all the money you have put in this
regard will play their effect and will be used properly to ensure that the
people, the ordinary people, will get the real benefits.
由這段提問可知,“民生”相應的英文表達是“people's well-being”。此外,在特定語境下,“民生”也可表達為“people's