硯青 選 卓言 譯
Everyone has heard of mocha, but few know the origins of the delicious coffee that connoisseurs treasure. Mocha coffee beans are one of the oldest known varieties of coffee in the world. Traditionally grown throughout Yemen, these deeply flavorful beans take their name from the ancient Yemeni port city of Mocha, which was a primary point of coffee trade for centuries. Some four centuries ago, small quantities of this coffee with a very fine flavor were exported through this port. Mocha beans became one of the first types of coffee beans marketed to Europe. In fact, some experts say that almost all coffee was first referred to as mocha in the Western world. Throughout the 16th and 17th century, as the beans became a popular import to Italy, Holland, and eventually the rest of Europe, true mocha coffee maintained a reputation for being the finest available. Mocha coffee beans are rare and difficult to obtain. Coffee lovers know that coffee beans are greatly affected by the area they are produced in. The soil, altitude, and climate of a coffee growing area will have great influence on the coffee’s characteristics, from its body to its flavor to its aroma. As a type of Arabica coffee, Mocha coffee plants thrive in high altitudes and the specific climatic conditions of the port city of Mocha contributes to the coffee’s unique flavor. Today, coffee beans are often classified by growing region, making the term specific to the Arabica beans grown throughout Yemen. A cup of mocha coffee may be the best way to convert people to coffee drinking. The beans feature a balanced acidity and mild sweetness that makes for a smooth, even flavor. However, the most loved aspect of a cup of Mocha coffee is its aftertaste, which has undertones of chocolate despite the lack of actual chocolate content. There are endless variations on the classic mocha drink. White or dark chocolate flavoring can be used to give a uniquely different flavor to the beverage, while additional flavors can be added by the handful. Caramel, peppermint, orange, and even raspberry mochas are also common variations on the delicious chocolate infusion. To make a mocha, begin with one or two shots of espresso coffee. Combine with cocoa powder or syrup in the bottom of the glass. Pour steamed milk slowly into the glass, stirring to combine. The drink can then be topped with whipped cream, and decorated with sprinkles, chocolate syrup, coffee grounds, or coconut flakes. So drench yourself in the aroma of mocha coffee and drift away with your steaming cup. In it lie the simple pleasures of life. |
大家對摩卡(又譯穆哈)咖啡都并不陌生,但要說起美食家們珍愛的這種怡人香醇飲品的起源,恐怕就很少有人知道了。摩卡咖啡豆是世界上已知的最古老的咖啡品種之一。這種濃郁可口的咖啡豆常見于也門,因也門的古代港口城市穆哈而得名,穆哈港幾百年來一直都是咖啡貿易的主要港口。 大約四百年前,少量優質美味的摩卡咖啡豆從穆哈港出口到各地,也成為首批遠銷到歐洲市場的咖啡豆品種之一。實際上,一些專家還認為:在西方,幾乎所有的咖啡品種最初都被叫做“摩卡”。從16世紀到17世紀,當這種咖啡豆成為在意大利和荷蘭頗受歡迎的舶來品并最終風靡整個歐洲時,真正的摩卡咖啡也以其絕佳的口感而被人們譽為“最好的品種”。 摩卡咖啡豆珍貴且不易獲得。咖啡愛好者都知道咖啡豆的風味受其生長地區的條件影響很大。咖啡生長地的土壤、海拔和氣候等因素都會極大地影響咖啡豆的特性,如純度、風味和香氣等等。 作為阿拉比卡咖啡的一種,摩卡咖啡樹生長在高緯度地區,港市穆哈所特有的氣候條件賦予了它獨特的風味。時下,人們往往依據咖啡豆生長的地區來分類,于是摩卡咖啡這一名稱只限于生長在也門地區的阿拉比卡咖啡豆。 要使一個人變得愛喝咖啡,讓其品嘗一杯摩卡也許會是最好的辦法。摩卡咖啡豆酸度適中,清甜適口,形成了一種絲滑、均勻的口感。不過,一杯摩卡咖啡最讓人難忘的還是它的余味,雖然沒有巧克力的實際成分,卻散發出了巧克力的韻味。 除了經典的摩卡咖啡,人們還發展了各式各樣的摩卡種類。白巧克力或黑巧克力調味料可以給摩卡咖啡帶來不同的獨特風味,除此之外,你還可加入少量的其他調味品。融入美味巧克力的焦糖、薄荷、橙子,甚至是莓子摩卡也都是常見的品種。 要調制一杯摩卡咖啡,先要準備一到兩小杯濃咖啡,在玻璃杯底部將其與可可粉或糖漿攪勻,接著慢慢倒入蒸好的牛奶進行攪拌。飲品上部可加上泡沫鮮奶油,再撒上糖屑、巧克力糖漿、咖啡渣或椰片。 那么,請沉醉在摩卡咖啡的幽幽香氣中,讓思緒隨著蒸騰的熱氣游走吧!生活中的一些簡單樂趣正在于此。 (來源:英語學習雜志) |
Vocabulary: connoisseur: 鑒賞家,行家 Yemen: 也門,西南亞國家,位于阿拉伯半島南端,咖啡一直是其傳統的出口產品。后面提到的穆哈是也門南部紅海邊的海港,幾百年來也門咖啡多是由此地出口到世界各國,是著名的阿拉伯咖啡出口中心 Arabica coffee: 阿拉比卡咖啡,是世界最主要的咖啡豆種類之一,約占全世界咖啡豆的65%—80%,原產于埃塞俄比亞高原,16世紀經由阿拉伯世界傳入歐洲如今它已成了優質咖啡的代名詞 undertone: 含意,意味 shot: 〈美口〉(烈酒等的)一口,一小杯 espresso: (用蒸汽加壓煮出的)濃咖啡 whipped cream: 摜奶油,泡沫鮮奶油,將奶油急速攪打成泡沫狀的一種半凝固體,可作糕點配料,亦可作甜食 sprinkle: [-s](用來撒在糕點或冰淇淋等上面的)糖屑 |