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President Xi Jinping, who is also chairman of the Central Military Commission, speaks at a meeting on reforming the armed forces in Beijing, capital of China.[Photo/Xinhua] |
China rolls out military reform plan. Chinese President Xi Jinping has urged breakthroughs in reform of the country's armed forces by 2020, vowing to reorganize the current military administration structure and military command system.
中國軍隊改革(military reform)正式拉開大幕。習近平在中央軍委改革工作會議上強調,全面實施改革強軍戰略,堅定不移走中國特色強軍之路。
1、 強化軍委集中統一領導(the CMC's "centralized and unified" leadership should be strengthened)。要推進領導掌握部隊和高效指揮部隊有機統一,形成軍委總管、戰區主戰、軍種主建(the CMC takes charge of the overall administration of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) and the Chinese People's Armed Police; battle zone commands focus on combats; and different military services pursue their own construction)的格局。堅持堅定正確的政治方向(maintain "correct political direction"),通過一系列體制設計和制度安排(a series of designs and arrangements),把黨對軍隊絕對領導的根本原則和制度進一步固化下來并加以完善(consolidate the basic principle that "the Communist Party of China (CPC) has absolute leadership of the armed forces"),強化軍委集中統一領導。
2、 組建陸軍領導機構,重新調整劃設戰區。對領導管理體制和聯合作戰指揮體制進行一體設計(integrate the administrative system and the joint battle command system),著力構建軍委——戰區——部隊的作戰指揮體系(establish a three-tier "CMC - battle zone commands - troops" command system)和軍委——軍種——部隊的領導管理體系(administration system that runs from CMC through various services to the troops)。
3、 組建新的監管體制(establish a new discipline inspection commission),組建新的軍委紀委,組建新的軍委政法委。
4、 裁軍30萬,精簡機關和非戰斗機構人員。
China will cut its troops by 300,000. Administrative and non-combatant personnel in the military will be downsized.
5、 推進軍官、士兵、文職人員等制度改革,深化軍人醫療、保險、住房保障、工資福利等制度改革。
Reforms will be carried out and deepened in the management of all personnel, as well as the systems of medical care, insurance, housing and payments for servicemen.
(中國日報網英語點津 劉秀紅)
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