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Ten books to read in May
Barbara Gowdy, Little Sister
Gowdy is a magical storyteller. In her latest novel, Rose Bowan, who manages her family's cinema in Toronto, begins to experience out-of-body episodes triggered by thunderstorms. She becomes another person – Harriet Smith – and experiences everything Harriet does through her own body, from sharper eyesight to satisfying sex. Harriet is a real person; Rose tracks her, while her boyfriend Victor, a meteorologist, helps research her possible condition – and forecasts weeks of storms ahead. Fiona, her mother, is falling into dementia – losing herself while Rose is "finding another self". When Harriet begins to resemble her sister Ava, who died in an accident when they were young, Rose is pulled into a vortex of memory. Little Sister is a gem, powered by Gowdy's incredible fabulist imagination. (Credit: Tin House)
高迪是一名神奇的故事敘述者。在她最新的小說《小妹妹》中,羅絲?柏萬在多倫多管理家族的電影院,她開始因為雷雨天氣而出現靈魂出竅的經歷。她成為另一個人——哈麗特?史密斯,從更加清晰的視力到性滿足,羅絲在哈麗特的身體里體驗了她所做的一切。哈麗特是真實存在的人;羅絲開始追蹤哈麗特,而她的男朋友——氣象學家維克多幫她研究可能出現這種情況的原因,并提前數周預測暴風雨天氣。在羅絲“尋找另一個自我”時,她的母親菲奧娜得了老年癡呆,正在“喪失自我”。哈麗特的妹妹小時候死于一場意外,當哈麗特長得開始像妹妹時,羅絲被卷入一場記憶的漩渦。高迪預言家般驚人的想象力讓《小妹妹》成為一部佳作。(來源:Tin House)
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