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A visitor looks at a 3D-printed wallet at the China 3D-Printing Cultural Museum in Baoshan district of Shanghai, China, July 26, 2017. [Photo: IC] |
The government expects the 3D printing industry to maintain an annual growth rate of more than 30 percent in the coming years and its revenue to top 20 billion yuan (around $3 billion) in 2020, according to guidelines released Wednesday by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) and 11 other agencies.
“3D打印”(3D printing)的專業名稱為增材制造(additive manufacturing,AM),是以數字模型為基礎,將材料逐層堆積制造出實體物品的新興制造技術(a new technology that adds material together to create a real object)。增材制造產業是先進制造業(advanced manufacuring)的重要組成部分。
計劃提出,到2020年開展100個以上試點示范項目(more than 100 pilot programs),推動增材制造在10個重點制造業領域(10 key manufacturing sectors)的示范應用,加快培育一批創新能力突出、特色鮮明的示范企業和產業集聚區,推動增材制造在航空、航天、船舶、汽車、醫療、文化、教育等領域實現規模化應用。關鍵核心技術達到國際同步發展水平(homegrown core technology will reach international levels),培育2-3家以上具有較強國際競爭力的龍頭企業( foster two or three domestic firms able to take on global rivals with their products recognized in overseas markets),在部分領域實現規模化應用,國際發展能力明顯提升。
核心技術 core technology
先進制造業 advanced manufacuring
特殊材料 special materials
中國制造2025 Made in China 2025
產業升級 industry upgrade
技術鴻溝 technology gap
(中國日報網英語點津 馬文英)
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