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President Xi Jinping on Saturday underlined a "clean and upright" political ecology and urged leading officials to uphold rule of law. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, compared political ecology to natural ecology that can be easily polluted and, if damaged, will cost a huge price to be rehabilitated, at a panel discussion with deputies to the 13th National People's Congress from southwestern municipality of Chongqing.
習近平指出,形成風清氣正的政治生態(clean and upright political ecology),是旗幟鮮明講政治、堅決維護黨中央權威和集中統一領導的政治要求(an essential requirement for safeguarding the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee),是持之以恒正風肅紀、推動全面從嚴治黨向縱深發展的迫切需要(an urgent need for ensuring full and strict governance over the Party),是鍛造優良黨風政風、確保改革發展目標順利實現的重要保障(a vital guarantee for fulfilling reform and development targets)。
——要加強教育引導(strengthen education and guidance),注重破立并舉,抓住“關鍵少數”,推動各級領導干部自覺擔當領導責任和示范責任(leading officials should demonstrate leadership and set an example),把自己擺進去、把思想擺進去、把工作擺進去,形成“頭雁效應”。
——要堅持法治、反對人治(uphold rule of law, oppose rule of man),對憲法法律始終保持敬畏之心(hold in awe of the Constitution),帶頭在憲法法律范圍內活動(exercise their duty within the boundaries of the Constitution and laws),嚴格依照法定權限、規則、程序行使權力、履行職責,做到心中高懸法紀明鏡、手中緊握法紀戒尺,知曉為官做事尺度。
——要牢固樹立“四個意識”,嚴格遵守黨的政治紀律和政治規矩(abide by political rules),堅決維護黨中央權威和集中統一領導(safeguard the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee),確保黨的路線方針政策和黨中央決策部署不折不扣得到貫徹落實(absolutely implement the Party's lines, principles and policies, and decisions by the CPC Central Committee)。
——要既講法治又講德治(uphold both rule of law and rule of virtue),重視發揮道德教化作用,把法律和道德的力量、法治和德治的功能緊密結合起來,把自律和他律緊密結合起來,引導全社會積極培育和踐行社會主義核心價值觀,樹立良好道德風尚,防止封建腐朽道德文化沉渣泛起(promote core socialist values and prevent relapse of negative elements in traditional values)。
——明大德(setting the political virtue),就是要鑄牢理想信念(stay firm with their political ideals and convictions)、錘煉堅強黨性(enhance Party consciousness),在大是大非面前旗幟鮮明(make a clear stance on key issues),在風浪考驗面前無所畏懼,在各種誘惑面前立場堅定,這是領導干部首先要修好的“大德”。
——守公德(maintaining good public virtue),就是要強化宗旨意識,全心全意為人民服務(commit themselves to serving the people whole-heartedly),恪守立黨為公、執政為民理念,自覺踐行人民對美好生活的向往就是我們的奮斗目標的承諾(deliver the promise of striving for the people's needs for a better life),做到心底無私天地寬。
——嚴私德(strictly guarding the individual virtue),就是要嚴格約束自己的操守和行為。所有黨員、干部都要戒貪止欲、克己奉公,切實把人民賦予的權力用來造福于人民。要把家風建設擺在重要位置,廉潔修身,廉潔齊家,防止“枕邊風”成為貪腐的導火索(don't let pillow talk lead you down to corruption),防止子女打著自己的旗號非法牟利(don't let your children engage in self-dealing using your name),防止身邊人把自己“拉下水”(don't be dragged into the "muddy water" by people around you)。
(中國日報網英語點津 馬文英)
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