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中國日報網 2018-08-31 13:35




胡同游 hutong tourism

Companies that conduct tours of Beijing's classic alleys, or hutong, should only be allowed to take groups to lanes that display traditional culture or contain historical sites, according to a draft guideline on hutong tourism from the city government.

北京市旅游委近日在其官網發布了"關于征求北京市地方標準《胡同游服務規范》意見的通知",并向社會開展為期一個月的意見征求(solicitation of opinions)。征求意見稿規范了"胡同游(hutong tourism)"的定義,即以北京城市特有的具有傳統文化、風俗人情(folk customs)、歷史風貌的胡同(一條或若干條胡同組成的街區)為載體,向游客提供吃、住、行、游、購、娛和文化展示(cultural display)服務的特色游覽業態。

在設施方面,胡同游客接待量應與經營總體規模相匹配(hutong should not be able to accept more people than they can handle);夜間營業的胡同,公共場地應有充足的燈光照明和應急照明設施(hutong that are open during the night should be equipped with sufficient lights and emergency power supplies in public areas);胡同應有不少于2個主要出入口(each hutong should have at least two entry or exit points)。

在交通方面,胡同長度超過1000米的,宜提供環保型代步工具(eco-friendly transportation methods);應設置盲道、無障礙設施(barrier-free facilities);胡同主要出入口附近宜設置機動車和非機動車停車場地 (parking for cars and non-motor vehicles should be placed at main entrances)。

餐飲方面,要求胡同內的餐飲店應布局合理,就餐環境安靜、整潔、無異味;各種飲食、菜品應明碼標價(mark the price clearly);廚房食品加工、存放,冷熱、生熟、葷素分開,無交叉污染(cross-contamination);胡同內應有北京特色、品牌、符合屬地民族生活習慣的餐飲店。

意見稿還要求胡同內應設置公共衛生間(public toilet),宜配置潔手設備、洗手液和紙張用品,胡同商戶衛生間應向游客免費開放使用(all the toilets in businesses along the hutong should be open to tourists for free);胡同游服務人員宜提供一種以上外語服務(provide services in more than one foreign language);此外,還要求胡同游的各類活動不應影響周邊居民的正常生活(disturb daily life of residents living nearby)。

電子皮膚 electronic skin

Chinese scientists have developed a graphene-based tattoo-like electronic skin that could function as a wearable device to monitor a person's health.

電子皮膚(electronic skin)是一種重要的生物醫學傳感器(biomedical sensor),要求器件擁有好的柔韌性和可伸縮性、高靈敏度(high sensitivity)、好的貼合度和舒適度。石墨烯(graphene)由于其出色的導電性和柔韌性(excellent conductivity and flexibility),是電子皮膚的理想材料。

通過將電子皮膚貼附在口罩、手腕、喉嚨、人中等多個位置分別實現對呼吸、心跳、語音(breathing, heartbeat and voice)等人體信號的測量。該項技術靈敏度更高,能耐受更高溫度(withstand high temperature),而且襯底超薄,沒有穿戴不適感。

除了測量皮膚表面的拉伸與壓縮,這種石墨烯的紋身還可以利用犧牲層工藝轉移到多種襯底上(the electronic skin is also transferable to other substrates),例如樹葉,絲綢等等。

知識產權 intellectual property

China is looking to establish a technical support system to detect, monitor and track evidence of intellectual property (IP) infringement and counterfeiting by 2020.

《方案》將“互聯網+(Internet Plus)”作為深化知識產權保護方式改革的重要手段,創新執法指導和管理機制,發揮大數據(big data)、人工智能(artificial intelligence)等信息技術在知識產權侵權假冒的在線識別、實時監測、源頭追溯中的作用,最大程度減少對企業正常生產經營行為的影響。


建立技術支撐體系(technical support system)

1.建設基礎數據庫(basic databases)。提取知識產權授權文件的核心信息(core information of IP authorization files),構建知識產權概要數據庫。

2.建設侵權假冒線索智能檢測系統( intelligent detection system to identify and track evidence of IP infringement and counterfeiting)。

3.實現智能檢測系統與相關系統的對接(The intelligent detection system will be connected to other management systems)。

建立運行機制(operation mechanisms)

1.建立侵權假冒線索檢測啟動與推送機制(initiation and notification mechanism of detecting evidence of IP infringement and counterfeiting)。

2.建立智能檢測與人工判斷銜接機制(connecting mechanism of intelligent detection and manual identification)。

3.建立涉外侵權假冒相關信息分析處理機制(mechanism of cross-border IP infringement and counterfeiting information analysis)。

4.推進建立標識電子化管理機制(management of digitalized tags)。

推進試點工作(pilot operation)

選擇信息易追溯、社會關注度高的電子商務(e-commerce)、大型展會(large-scale exhibitions)、進出口(import and export)等重點領域、重點環節,作為試點工作的突破口,探索推進“互聯網+”知識產權保護工作。

第19屆亞運會會徽 the emblem for the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022

Called "Surging Tides", the emblem consists of six elements: a Chinese fan, the Qiantang River, a tidal bore, a running track, the Internet icon and the glowing red sun of the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA). Below the motif is the lettering denoting the Host City and the year of the Asian Games.


據杭州亞組委方面介紹,扇面造型反映江南人文意蘊(the cultural heritage unique to the southern regions of the Yangtze River),賽道代表體育競技(sports competitions),互聯網符號契合杭州城市特色,太陽圖形是亞奧理事會的象征符號。

錢塘江和錢江潮頭是會徽的形象核心(the core elements of the Emblem),綠水青山展示了浙江杭州山水城市(a city of natural landscapes)的自然特質,江潮奔涌表達了浙江兒女勇立潮頭的精神氣質。

整個會徽形象象征著新時代中國特色社會主義大潮的涌動和發展(the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era is gathering greater momentum),也象征亞奧理事會大家庭團結攜手,緊密相擁,永遠向前(the unity of the OCA Family, marching forward hand in hand)。

疫苗補種 vaccine reinoculation

According to the plan, those who have received the vaccines but have not gone through the entire inoculation procedure can continue to receive valid vaccines from other companies for free at vaccination institutions to complete the procedure.

Those who have completed the procedure with the vaccines in question and still want reinoculation can get it for free after being informed by vaccination institutions about prevention and control, the functions of the vaccines and post-inoculation tips.

這里的inoculation就是“接種”,而“續種”可以用follow-up inoculation表示,“補種”則用reinoculation表達。

方案指出,根據世界衛生組織2018年4月的有關報告,狂犬病潛伏期(the incubation period of rabies)通常為1-3個月,罕有超過1年。為保障受種者健康,對接種時間不滿1年的受種者,接種單位提供跟蹤觀察和咨詢服務(tracking, observation and advisory services)。接種時間1年以上的,如發生異常情況(abnormalities),衛生健康部門繼續受理。

方案明確,接種單位設置醒目標識,安排有經驗的醫務人員提供服務,向社會公開聯系方式(make contact information public)。縣級以上地方衛生健康部門要各確定1家醫療機構,作為轄區內進一步臨床觀察的定點醫療機構(designated medical institution)。國家級、省級和地市級組建專家組(teams of experts),包括臨床(clinical studies)、疾病預防控制(disease prevention and control)以及管理領域等專家,指導做好相關服務。

精芬 spiritually Finnish

The term “jingfen” (精芬), or “spiritually Finnish”, is inspired by a comic from Finland called “Finnish Nightmares,” starring a cartoon figure named Matti who prefers minimal contact and avoids social situations.


His creator Karoliina Korhonen describes Matti as “a stereotypical Finn who appreciates peace, quiet and personal space. Matti tries his best to do unto others as he wishes to be done unto him: to give space, be polite and not bother with unnecessary chit chat.”

He’s the kind of perpetually uncomfortable character who hides in his apartment when a neighbor is out in the hall. If someone takes a vacant seat next to Matti, he wants to disappear. He hates being singled out, even for praise, avoids talking to salespeople, and can’t stand working in pairs.


“An introverted Finn looks at his shoes when talking to you; an extroverted Finn looks at your shoes.”

非法代寫服務 illegal ghostwriting services

As the end of the summer holiday approaches, Chinese elementary and junior high school students increasingly find themselves bogged down with too many school assignments. However, emerging illegal ghostwriting services offered on different online platforms seem like a great "help" to them.

近年來,我國教育相關部門響應國家"減負(burden alleviation)"號召,努力減少學生的家庭作業(try to cut back on homework for students),但越來越多的家長卻往往利用假期等課余時間安排孩子上課外輔導班(parents tend to arrange their children's spare time, including vacations, for extracurricular classes)。學生顯然無法負荷學校和補習班兩方面的作業(cannot bear the homework form by both the school and the cram school),于是為不法寫手和商販提供了商機(business opportunity)。

有報道稱,代寫行業的服務鏈(the chain of the ghostwriting industry)是"聯系客服(contact customer service)——告知要求(tell the requirements)——確定價格(set the price)——郵寄作業(mail the notebook)——支付議價(pay the agreed fee)——收到成品(get the returned manuscript)"。國內最大電商平臺(e-commerce platform)淘寶網上有不少提供代寫服務的網店。微博等社交媒體平臺上也能看到代寫廣告。據報道,大學生是代寫主力軍(the main force of the ghostwriters)。他們暑期時間充裕,加上渴望掙零花錢(desire to earn pocket money),所以樂于"幫忙"。

外掛插件 cheating plug-in

By using the plug-ins, drivers can change the vehicles' normal orientations and driving courses on the Didi Chuxing app, according to the report.

Plug-in,即“插件”,原意是指在計算機系統中安裝以實現額外功能的軟件,春運期間出現的“搶票軟件”就算一種plug-in。這里所說的“外掛”插件,是司機通過作弊的方式獲得高額的車費回報,可以用cheating plug-in來表達。網絡游戲中用來作弊的“外掛程序”則叫做tag-on service,指專門針對一個或多個網絡游戲,通過改變網絡游戲軟件的部分程序制作而成的作弊程序(cheating program)。


Another one of the plug-in's "magical" functions allows Didi drivers to filter orders by specific departures or destinations, letting them target long-distance routes, easily giving the Didi driver an opportunity to double more expensive rides.

對此,滴滴出行方面表示,公司已經監控到該作弊行為,平臺上線了反作弊策略來識別這類作弊司機(counter-measure system for detecting the app),一旦確認立即封號處理(block any accounts identified to be using the plug-in),并依據作弊訂單金額進行罰款。

世界灌溉工程遺產 world's Heritage Irrigation Structures

Four ancient irrigation sites from China have been inscribed world's Heritage Irrigation Structures: the Dujiangyan irrigation system, the Lingqu Canal, the Jiang-Xi Dam and the Changqu Canal.

世界灌溉工程遺產(world's Heritage Irrigation Structures)是專業型世界遺產,由國際灌排委員會(the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage)于2014年設立,目的為保護、挖掘和推廣具有歷史價值的可持續灌溉工程(sustainable irrigation structures)及其科學經驗,每年申報評選公布一批。


The structure shall be more than 100 years old;

The structures shall fall under one of the following categories:dams (operational largely for irrigation purpose),water storage structures such as tanks,barrages and other water diversion structures,canal Systems, old waterwheels,old shadouf, etc.

2019財年國防授權法案 the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019

美國總統特朗普13日在紐約州一處軍事基地簽署國會參議院和眾議院通過的2019財年國防授權法案(the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019)。

The act includes clauses such as directing a whole-of-government strategy on China and submitting the assessment and plan on strengthening Taiwan's force readiness.

外交部發言人陸慷14日在答問時說,中方對美方不顧中方堅決反對執意通過并簽署“2019財年國防授權法案”表示強烈不滿,敦促美方摒棄冷戰思維和零和博弈理念(to abandon its Cold War thinking and zero-sum mindset),正確客觀看待中國和中美關系,恪守一個中國原則和中美三個聯合公報規定(to uphold the one-China policy and joint communiques made by both countries),不得實施有關涉華消極條款。


The China-related contents in that act are filled with a cold-war mentality, advocating confrontations between the two countries and interfering with China's internal affairs.The related contents are violations to the one-China principle and the stipulations in the three joint communiques between China and the United States.

Chinese armed forces firmly oppose the contents and have lodged solemn representations with the US side.

Taiwan is a part of China and the Taiwan issue, concerning China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, is the most important and sensitive issue in China-US relations.

Wu reiterated the resolute opposition to any form of official or military contact between any country and Taiwan, and stressed that "We will never allow anyone, at any time or in any form, to separate Taiwan from China."

Wu called on the United States to adhere to the one-China principle and the stipulations in the three joint communiques between China and the United States, and handle Taiwan-related issues prudently, so as to avoid damaging China-US relations, the military ties or the peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.


We resolutely oppose any form of official or military contact between the United States and Taiwan, including US arms sales to Taiwan.

The spokesperson urged the United States not to implement the Taiwan-related clauses so as to avoid damaging China-US relations and peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.

We also sternly warn the Democratic Progressive Party administration that relying on foreigners to build yourself up will damage the interests of Taiwan residents.

粵港澳大灣區 the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

Development of the Greater Bay Area should uphold "one country, two systems" and strictly adhere to the national Constitution and the Basic Law-the constitutional documents of the Hong Kong and Macao SARs. Implementation of the Bay Area development must stay committed to the basis of "one country", and leverage well the benefits of "two systems", Han said.

粵港澳大灣區(the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area)是指由香港、澳門兩個特別行政區和廣東省的廣州、深圳、珠海、佛山、中山、東莞、肇慶、江門、惠州等九市組成的城市群(city cluster),是國家建設世界級城市群和參與全球競爭的重要空間載體,與美國紐約灣區、舊金山灣區和日本東京灣區比肩的世界四大灣區之一。

粵港澳大灣區建設是習近平總書記親自謀劃、親自部署、親自推動的國家戰略(national strategy)。


We will continue to support Hong Kong and Macao in integrating their own development into the overall development of the country. We will give priority to the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao, and regional cooperation in the pan-Pearl River Delta, thus fully advancing mutually beneficial cooperation between the mainland and the two regions. We will formulate and improve policies and measures to make it more convenient for people from Hong Kong and Macao to develop careers on the mainland.

韓正表示,要堅持新發展理念,充分發揮粵港澳綜合優勢(fully utilize the integrated advantages of Guangdong and the two SARs),建設富有活力和國際競爭力的一流灣區和世界級城市群(a vibrant world-class bay area and city cluster with international competitiveness),打造高質量發展的典范。

韓正強調,要以讓老百姓得實惠為出發點和落腳點,實施好港澳居民證件便利化、進一步便利港澳居民到內地創業就業(providing better environment for Hong Kong and Macao residents to start businesses in the mainland)、大幅降低粵港澳通信漫游費用(reducing roaming fees by big margins in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao area)等政策措施。要積極吸引和對接全球創新資源,建設“廣州-深圳-香港-澳門”科技創新走廊,打造大灣區國際科技創新中心(build an international tech innovation center at the area)。

探月工程 lunar exploration program

Chinese scientists unveiled their latest lunar probe, the Chang'e 4, on Wednesday, saying it will be launched in December on a mission to land on the far side of the moon.

探月工程(lunar exploration program)嫦娥四號任務月球車(rover)全球征名活動啟動儀式15日在京舉行,由中國航天科技集團有限公司抓總研制的嫦娥四號著陸器(lander)和月球車外觀設計構型首次公開。探月工程嫦娥四號任務計劃于今年12月實施,將首次實現人類探測器(probe)在月球背面(far side of the moon)軟著陸(soft landing)和巡視勘察(patrol survey)。

嫦娥四號月球車呈長方形盒狀,長1.5米,寬1米,高1.1米。肩部有兩片可以打開的太陽能電池帆板,腿部則是六個輪狀的移動裝置。據中國探月工程總設計師吳偉仁介紹,嫦娥四號月球車基本繼承了"玉兔號"的外形和狀態(largely keep the shape and conditions of its predecessor, Yutu, or Jade Rabbit),但針對月球背面復雜的地形條件、中繼通信(relay communication)新的需求和科學目標實際需要(the actual needs of the scientific objectives),作了適應性更改和有效載荷配置(payload configuration)調整。

吳偉仁表示,嫦娥四號月球車總重量約140公斤,將是全球迄今重量最小的月球車。月球車上搭載的測月雷達(lunar penetrating radar)設置了兩個不同頻段,借助其探測出的數據,研究人員可以繪制出第一幅月球背面剖面圖(first geologic cross-section of the moon's far side)。

天價片酬 sky-high remuneration of stars

Three major online movie and television platforms Youku, iQIYI and Tencent along with six major movie and television production companies including Huace Media have issued a statement on curbing the sky-high remuneration of stars.

天價片酬(sky-high remuneration of stars)之所以飽受指責,主要是演員的收入與影視劇質量不成正比。主要演員的不合理片酬(unreasonable payment of lead actors and actresses)擠壓了影視劇的其他制作費用(squeeze the money spent on other production costs),耗費巨資拍攝的影視劇最終成了口碑低劣的爛片(flop)。制作方習慣依靠流量明星來獲得好的票房回報,而不是將功夫花在影視劇質量上。

9家公司的這則聯合聲明再次將明星天價片酬推上娛樂風口。聲明為演員片酬設定了上限(stipulate the maximum paychecks actors and actresses can receive)。未來所有演員總片酬不得超過各公司制作的影視劇總預算(overall budget)的40%,主要演員(starring actors and actress)片酬不得超過演員總片酬的70%。這些公司還對單個演員的片酬設限(set salary caps on the remuneration of a single actor or actress),要求其電視劇總片酬(含稅)最高不得超過5000萬元,單集片酬不得超過100萬元。

公費師范生 government-paid teaching students

A regulation has been introduced for government-paid teaching students at six key universities to help improve education equality, especially in central and western regions.


一是確立師范生公費教育制度(government-paid education)。《辦法》規定,由中央財政承擔其在校期間學費、住宿費(tuition fees and accommodation will be paid by the central government)并給予生活費補助(subsidies for daily expenses),通過雙向選擇等方式切實為每位畢業的公費師范生落實任教學校和崗位。

二是調整履約任教年限(service period)要求。《辦法》將公費師范生履約服務期調整為6年。

Those working in urban schools should serve at least one year in rural schools beforehand.

三是細化履約管理(management of contract fulfillment)政策。《辦法》對公費師范生選拔培養、協議管理、人事招聘、履約就業、工作調動、攻讀碩士學位等重點環節做出明確規定。

有志從教并符合條件的非師范專業優秀學生,在入學2年內,可在教育部和學校核定的公費師范生招生計劃內轉入師范專業(transfer to teaching major),簽訂協議并由所在學校按相關標準返還學費、住宿費(get tuition fees and accommodation refunded),補發生活費補助。

四是加大落實政策保障(supporting policies)力度。《辦法》通過改進招生選拔方式、完善學習激勵考核、開展表彰獎勵等措施,吸引優秀人才報考公費師范生。

國家根據經濟發展水平和財力狀況,對公費師范生的生活費補助標準進行動態調整。優秀公費師范生可享受其他非義務性獎學金。鼓勵設立公費師范生專項獎學金(special scholarship for government-supported teaching majors)。

校外培訓機構 after-school training institutions


China will complete the rectification of all after-school training institutions by the end of this year, addressing areas including giving lessons above normal level, exam-oriented training and increasing student pressure, according to the Ministry of Education (MOE) Thursday.

校外培訓機構統稱為after-school training institutions,其中針對在校課程的“補習班”可以用cram session或者tutoring class表示,而根據孩子們的興趣愛好開設的“興趣班”則可以用interest-oriented class表示。


堅決禁止中小學校與校外培訓機構聯合招生(primary and middle schools are prohibited to launch joint enrollment program in cooperation with after-school training institutions),堅決查處將校外培訓機構培訓結果與中小學校招生入學掛鉤的行為,剪斷培訓機構和中小學招生的關系。

要求校外培訓機構不得聘用中小學在職教師(cram schools are banned from hiring in-service teachers at primary and middle schools),從事語文、數學、英語及物理、化學、生物等學科知識培訓的教師必須具有相應教師資格等基本要求。

校外培訓機構必須有符合安全條件的固定場所(the institutions must have fixed establishments that meet safety requirements),同一培訓時段內生均面積不低于3平方米。培訓機構培訓時間不得和當地中小學校教學時間相沖突,培訓結束時間不得晚于20:30,不得留作業。

培訓內容不得超出相應國家課程標準,進度不得超過所在地中小學同期進度(the institutions should not teach ahead of students' school schedules);學科知識培訓的內容、班次、招生對象、進度、上課時間等要向所在地縣級教育部門備案(submit information on their programs, such as class content, targeted students and class times, to local education authorities)并向社會公布。嚴禁組織舉辦中小學生學科類等級考試、競賽及進行排名。

培訓機構不得一次性收取時間跨度超過3個月的費用(the institutions are not allowed to charge one-time fee for classes of more than 3 months),不得在公示的項目和標準外收取其他費用。

順風車 hitch ride

The Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Public Security and related agencies in Tianjin, where Didi Chuxing is registered, on Sunday summoned senior executives of Didi Chuxing for a face-to-face meeting and ordered the company to rectify problems with its online hitch riding services, enhance security measures and release timely updates of its progress to correct the situation with the public.

“Summon someone for a meeting”在這里就是“約談某人”的意思,除此之外,summon還可以表示“(法庭)傳喚”,比如,He was summoned to court for traffic violation./He received a court summon for traffic violation.此外,summon還可以表示“鼓起(勇氣)、振作(精神)”的意思,常用的搭配是summon the courage to do something(鼓起勇氣做某事),比如:It took him three months to summon the courage to tell her that he likes her.(他用了三個月才鼓起勇氣向她表白。)

According to local police, a 20-year-old woman went missing on Friday afternoon after hailing an auto from Didi in the city of Wenzhou. The driver was caught by police on Saturday morning, and confessed to rape and murder.

The incident came after a 21-year-old female flight attendant using Didi was murdered by her hitch driver in the central city of Zhengzhou in May.

交通運輸部部運輸服務司司長徐亞華在約談中指出,短短三個月時間發生兩起侵害乘客生命安全的惡性事件,暴露出滴滴出行平臺存在的重大經營管理漏洞和安全隱患(great management loopholes and safety perils with Didi),企業主體責任落實不到位,嚴重威脅人民群眾出行安全和合法權益(seriously threatening passengers' safety, rights and interests),社會影響非常惡劣(causing severe negative social impact)。


一是自8月27日起,在全國范圍內下線順風車業務(suspend its hitch riding service nationwide),重新評估業務模式;

二是9月1日前完成合規化運營工作方案(a plan on improving compliance will be finished by Sept. 1),報送有關部門并接受社會監督;

三是落實安全生產責任制,開展安全隱患自查工作(check for potential safety hazards),完善隱患監察機制,通過線上、線下手段,查找整改存在的問題;

四是整改升級客服體系(the company's customer service system will be upgraded),加大客服團隊的人力和資源投入;

五是開拓平臺用戶緊急情況報警通道(launch a service to allow users to contact the police in case of emergencies),完善配合公安機關證據調取機制(improve the mechanism of providing evidence for the police)。

The head of Didi Hitch and the vice president of customer service have been removed from their positions.

養老支出 expenditures on caring for the elderly

The draft amendment to the individual income tax law, which was submitted for a second reading at the National People's Congress Standing Committee on Monday, adds special additional deduction for expenditures on caring for the elderly, children's education, continuing education, treatment for serious diseases, as well as housing loan interest and rent.

27日在北京召開的十三屆全國人大常委會第五次會議對個人所得稅法(individual income tax law)修正案草案進行二次審議。二審稿中未對起征點進行修改,維持了一審稿中個稅起征點(threshold for personal income tax exemption)調至每年6萬元,即每月5000元不變。此外,個稅法二審稿也維持了45%的最高檔稅率(tax rate)。

作為一大亮點,個稅法二審稿把贍養老人的支出(expenses for elderly care)納入到專項附加扣除(special additional deduction)范圍,加上此前的子女教育(children's education)支出、繼續教育(continuing education)支出、大病醫療(treatment for serious diseases)支出、住房貸款利息和住房租金,共5項專項附加扣除。

個稅法二審稿還規定,勞務報酬所得(remuneration for personal services)、稿酬所得(authors' remuneration)、特許權使用費(royalties)所得以收入減除20%的費用后的余額為收入額,其中,稿酬所得的收入額再減按70%計算。二審稿明確了公益慈善事業(philanthropy)捐贈扣除標準,規定個人將其所得對公益慈善事業進行捐贈,捐贈額未超過應納稅所得額(taxable income)30%的部分,可以從其應納稅所得額中扣除(deduction)。

民法典 civil code

8月27日,備受社會關注的民法典(civil code)各分編(草案)提請十三屆全國人大常委會第五次會議審議。

The six draft sections, namely provisions on property, contract, personality rights, marriage and family, inheritance, and torts, consist of 1,034 articles.


婚姻家庭編:增加離婚冷靜期制度(cooling-off period before divorce)

The draft stipulates that a divorce application may be revoked by either side of the couple within the cooling-off period of one month after it is received by the authority.

Provisions related to family planning in current laws are not included in the draft.

侵權責任編:規定環境損害懲罰性賠償(punitive compensations for environmental violations)

According to the draft, punitive compensations will be imposed on those who had intentionally violate laws and regulations and damaged the environment.

合同編:規定節約資源、減少污染義務(practices of saving resources and reducing pollution)

The draft also requires parties of a contract to follow conventional practices to save resources and reduce pollution with good faith while performing the contract.

人格權編:對禁止性騷擾作出規定(provision on anti-sexual harassment measures)

People who sexually harass others through words or behavior, or by taking advantage of their positions, will face potential civil liabilities if they are sued by their victims.

Companies should also take measures to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace, as well as provide reporting channels for victims and punishment for offenders, the draft added.

物權編:專章規定居住權(right to housing)

The right to use of residential housing land should be automatically renewed on its expiration.

繼承編:增加打印、錄像等新遺囑形式(new forms of will)

New forms of are included in the draft, including printed copy and video will.

信息泄露 data leak

A post by Darknet appeared on Tuesday selling the private information of 130 million people, who are alleged clients of the Huazhu Group's hotels. The information sells for 8 Bitcoin, equivalent to $54,400 or 520 Monero, The Beijing News reported on Tuesday.

“信息、數據泄露”可以用data/information leak、data breach或者data spill表示,任何個人未經授權復制、傳輸、查閱、盜竊或者使用敏感、受保護或者機密的信息(sensitive, protected or confidential data is copied, transmitted, viewed, stolen or used by an individual unauthorized to do so)都屬于信息泄露。



撞庫(dictionary attack)是黑客通過收集互聯網已泄露的用戶和密碼信息,生成對應的字典表,嘗試批量登錄其他網站后,得到一系列可以登錄的用戶。因為很多用戶在不同網站使用的賬號密碼大多是相同的,因此黑客可以通過獲取用戶在A網站的賬戶從而嘗試登錄B網站。


泄露的信息(leaked information)包括華住官網注冊資料(registration information)、酒店入住登記的身份信息以及酒店開房記錄(record of hotel stay),住客的姓名、手機號、郵箱、身份證號、登錄賬號密碼、家庭地址、生日、同房間關聯號、卡號、入住時間、離開時間、房間號、消費金額等詳細數據。


The company said police are investigating the alleged information leak and has hired professionals to determine if the "relevant private information" came from the company.

電競 esports


China participated in three of the six video game titles at the Asian Games, which featured esports as a demonstration sport for the first time.

2018年5月,亞洲奧林匹克理事會(the Olympic Council of Asia)批準《英雄聯盟(League of Legends)》、《Arena of Valor》、《皇室戰爭(Clash Royale)》、《爐石傳說(Hearthstone)》、《實況足球(Pro Evolution Soccer)》、《星際爭霸2(Starcraft II)》六個電子體育項目(electronic sports, 簡稱esports)成為第18屆雅加達亞運會表演項目。

所謂的“表演項目(demonstration sports/exhibition event)”指的是為了宣傳推廣某個運動項目而在奧運會、亞運會等重大體育賽事(sporting events)中進行展示的體育項目。與之相對的就是“正式比賽項目”,可以用official sports或者medal events表示。表演項目雖然也有獎牌,但并不計入官方代表團的獎牌數,所以,正式比賽項目才會用medal events表示。

中國電競隊此次參加的三個項目分別是:《英雄聯盟(League of Legends)》、《Arena of Valor》和《皇室戰爭(Clash Royale)》,其中《Arena of Valor》是《王者榮耀(Honor of Kings)》的海外版,中國隊在8月26日該項目的決賽中已經獲得一枚金牌。










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