中國日報網 2019-02-26 13:04
A notice jointly released by nine bodies — including the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Education, the All-China Women’s Federation, and the Supreme People’s Court — prohibits companies from prioritizing any candidate or rejecting any application based on gender. Employers can face fines of up to 50,000 yuan for publishing job ads with sexist requirements, while recruiting agencies may have their work permits revoked for severe discriminatory practices.
英語中的sexism一詞指的是prejudice or discrimination based on sex(基于性別的偏見或歧視),尤其指針對女性的歧視(discrimination against women),抱有這種性別歧視態度的人就稱為sexist。“性別歧視”更正式一些的說法是gender discrimination。而提倡性別平等(gender equality),抵制性別歧視的人群則是feminist(女權主義者),他們所倡導的理念就是feminism(女權主義)。
通知提出,各類用人單位、人力資源服務機構在招聘過程中不得詢問婦女婚育情況(asking female applicants about their marital or childbearing status),不得將妊娠測試作為入職體檢項目(requiring new employees to take pregnancy tests),不得將限制生育作為錄用條件(restricting births as a condition of employment),不得差別化地提高對婦女的錄用標準。
Gender equality is the basic national policy of our country. Promoting equal employment for women is conducive to promoting women’s wider and deeper participation in social and economic activities and enhancing social productivity and economic vitality.
通知特別提到,要加強監察執法,依法懲處侵害女職工孕期、產期、哺乳期特殊勞動保護權益行為(workplace rights protection during pregnancy, child birth and baby nursing period)。
同時,通知還提出將用人單位、人力資源服務機構因發布含有性別歧視內容的招聘信息接受行政處罰等情況納入人力資源市場誠信記錄(credit record of human resources market),依法實施失信懲戒。
性別歧視 gender discrimination
性別平等 gender equality
婚育情況 marital or childbearing status
就業歧視 employment discrimination
男女平權 equal rights for men and women
性別收入差距 gender pay gap
性別刻板印象 gender stereotype
參考來源:新京報、Sixth Tone
(中國日報網英語點津 Helen)