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聽流行音樂為什么讓人愉悅?科學家找到原因了 Scientists discover pop music's secrets to making you feel good

中國日報網 2019-11-15 08:56




Photo by Alireza Attari on Unsplash


Have you ever wondered why certain pop songs just make you feel so good?


Researchers studying the question found that the right combination of uncertainty and surprise is what gives listeners the most pleasure.


The study, published in the journal Current Biology, involved an analysis of 80,000 chords in 745 pop songs from the US Billboard "Hot 100" chart between 1958 and 1991.


The researchers -- from institutes in Germany, Norway, Denmark and the UK -- used a machine-learning model to quantify the level of uncertainty and surprise of these chords, and then asked 39 adult volunteers to rate how pleasurable they found each series of chords.


Each song was stripped of its melody and lyrics so that only chord progressions were left and the results couldn't be skewed by other associations to the songs that listeners might have had.


skew[skju?]: v. 偏離,歪斜;扭轉,偏轉;歪曲


They found two things: that participants derived greater pleasure when they were relatively certain what would happen next but then were surprised by an unexpected chord progression.


However, the same number of participants found it pleasant when they were uncertain as to what would follow, and then the subsequent chords were more familiar to them.



Photo by Jan St?echa on Unsplash


"It is fascinating that humans can derive pleasure from a piece of music just by how sounds are ordered over time," Vincent Cheung, the lead researcher on the paper from the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Germany, said in a statement.


"Songs that we find pleasant are likely those which strike a good balance between knowing what is going to happen next and surprising us with something we did not expect. Understanding how music activates our pleasure system in the brain could explain why listening to music might help us feel better when we are feeling blue."


Cheung told CNN that pleasure in music is linked to expectancy. Previous studies had looked into the effects of surprise on pleasure, but he and his colleagues' study also focused on the uncertainty of listeners' predictions.


The songs used in the experiments included James Taylor's "Country Roads," UB40's "Red, Red Wine" and The Beatles' "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da."

用于實驗的歌曲包括詹姆斯·泰勒的《Country Roads》、UB40樂隊的《Red, Red Wine》和甲殼蟲樂隊的《Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da》。


Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash


The findings may help improve artificial musical algorithms and could help composers write music or predict musical trends.


"The idea is that hopefully as a scientist analyzing these patterns of pleasure in humans, you can somehow work out where music can go next," Peter Harrison, a researcher at Queen Mary University, London, who worked on the project, told CNN.


As part of the same experiment, the researchers also used brain imaging to locate the areas of the brain reflected in musical pleasure.


They found the regions involved were the amygdala, the hippocampus and the auditory cortex, which process emotions, learning and memory, and sound, respectively.


Cheung added that another part of the brain, the nucleus accumbens -- which processes reward expectations -- was perhaps responsible for "directing our attention towards the music so that we will try to find out what will happen next."




點擊收聽:《7 rings》

《7 rings》是“A妹”愛莉安娜·格蘭德演唱的歌曲。該曲于2019年1月18日發行,作為第二單曲收錄于愛莉安娜·格蘭德第五張錄音室專輯《Thank U,Next》。

2019年2月2日,《7 rings》空降美國公告牌單曲榜第一位,最終累計獲得了八周冠軍。

《7 rings》的靈感源自愛莉安娜·格蘭德與閨密的瘋狂舉動。2018年10月的一天,處于感情低潮的愛莉安娜與閨密們逛街,突發奇想,決定幫身邊所有好友買鉆戒。于是,她一共買了7個戒指,分別送給了自己和六個閨蜜。愛莉安娜認為這件事既瘋狂又有趣。在回去的路上,Njomza Vitia認為應該把這件事寫成一首歌曲。于是,愛莉安娜·格蘭德在當天下午寫下了該曲。愛莉安娜·格蘭德通過該曲訴說自己的心情,表示一點也不在意沒有男友,因為她仍有愛她的閨密陪在身邊,也能憑自己力量得到想要的一切。

該曲前兩段主歌基本上完全取自1959年音樂電影《音樂之聲》中的歌曲《My Favorite Things》。而第一段歌詞也基本上是比照《My Favorite Things》來創作的,只不過相比于原曲中用來體現人物純真內心的玫瑰上的雨水、貓咪的胡須、潔凈的銅壺、溫暖的羊毛手套、系著繩子的牛皮紙箱、奶油色的小馬等可愛、溫馨的事物,《7 rings》則羅列了泰拉·帕克斯的早餐、支票、豪華的鉆石、ATM提款機等奢華之物,并且將原曲中的“這些是我最喜歡的事物”改為了“給我自己買所有我最喜歡的事物” 。




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