CNN報道中國經濟由負轉正,“全世界都眼紅了” CNN says China's economy is the envy of the world
China Daily微信公眾號 2020-10-21 15:22
美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)以“中國經濟讓全世界都眼紅”(China's economy is the envy of the world)為題報道了這一新聞。
China's economy expanded by 4.9% in the third quarter compared to the previous year, according to government data published Monday, showing the rest of the world what's possible when COVID-19 is brought under control.
Growth of less than 5% would normally be a cause for real concern in China, which is accustomed to much quicker expansion. But it's pretty good considering the circumstances, and even more remarkable when compared to the extremely fragile recoveries underway in most other big economies.
As most of the world still struggles with the coronavirus pandemic, China is showing once again that a fast economic rebound is possible when the virus is brought firmly under control.
“It’s an encouraging and hopeful message for the rest of the world,” said Rob Subbaraman, global head of macro research at Nomura Holdings Inc. in Singapore. “If you successfully handle the health crisis, your economy can recover.”
CNN回顧稱,最初,北京應對新冠病毒的方式還受到了一些西方政客的批評。但正是中國嚴格的防疫封鎖和檢測措施助其控制住了新冠病毒疫情;此外,中國還撥款數千億美元用于大型基礎設施項目,以推動經濟增長;央行也恪盡職守。(The country also set aside hundreds of billions of dollars for major infrastructure projects to fuel economic growth. The central bank has done its part, too.)
Europe and the United States are now facing another surge of coronavirus cases...The United States is averaging more than 55,000 new cases a day — up more than 60% since a mid-September dip, and pretty much every state is trending the wrong direction.
The United States is probably not headed for a national lockdown anytime soon, but its economy will remain hamstrung until there's a dramatic reduction in the number of coronavirus cases.
China's lead could widen further in the months to come. It has almost no local transmission of the virus now, while the United States and Europe face another accelerating wave of cases.
China's economy is back-ish and the world can exhale. Without this rebound, the nascent global recovery would be on even thinner ice.
編輯:王瑜 左卓