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The Da Vinci Code《達·芬奇密碼》(精講之六)
[ 2007-09-25 15:21 ]


文化面面觀   羅馬教廷 Vatican City

考考你   小試牛刀




Man: Remember, if we are discovered by the Vatican, we are excommunicated. So should anything go wrong—

Bishop: Yes, I know, I know. This council does not exist. As it never has.

Man: Old friend. Heaven protect you.

Leigh: Keep an eye out for the police. I must say, Robert, I'm quite impressed by the way you withstood my little aeroplane. Did he never tell you? When he was a boy, young Robert fell into a well. How old were you?

Robert: Seven.

Leigh: Treading water all night long, screaming his lungs out to the echoes screaming back. When they found him, he was nearly catatonic.

Young Robert: Help!

Robert: It was a Long time ago.

Leigh: Oh, now, now, Robert. You above all people shouldn’t be one to dismiss the influence of the past.

Robert: Temple Church. I always forget it’s right here.

Leigh: Built 1185 and modern London just sprang up right around it.

Sophie: Tell me, why has the Priory kept the Grail location secret all these years?

Leigh: I don't know. Some say the Priory wait for the heir to reveal himself which is especially odd since Legend suggests he may not know his own true identity.

Robert: Hello?

Sophie: Why do they make them so scary? Oh, it's cold.

Robert: "In London lies a knight a Pope interred." So which tomb has an orb? Those knights with their legs crossed means they’d been to the holy land.

Leigh: Two wear tunics over their armor and two have full-length robes.

Robert: Two are grasping swords.

Leigh: And one--two are praying.

Robert: This one has his arms at his sides.

Leigh: Oh, and this poor fellow has almost disappeared entirely.

Robert: I don't see any orb that ought be on a tomb. "Ought be on his tomb." Are we looking for a missing orb?

Leigh: Maybe.

Robert: These aren't tombs.

Leigh: What? Yes, of course they are.

Robert: No. They're effigies.

Leigh: What?

Robert: Not tombs. There's no bodies here.

Sophie: This place is wrong. Can we go now? We should go.

Robert: Sophie! No!

Silas: Where is the keystone? Do not test me!

Robert: Let her go!

Leigh: Don't you hurt her.

Silas: Give me the keystone! Give it to me!

Robert: Here! Here! Here it is! Here it is. Just let her go, and you and I can-- We'll come to some agreement.

Leigh: Remy.

Robert: Remy. No, no, no. No, put it away. Put it away. They're too close together. You don't have a clear shot.

Remy: Yes, I do.


1. Heaven protect you.

說“愿上帝保佑你”,我們常見到的說法是 God protect you。其實 heaven 也有“上帝,上天”的意思。我們還可以說“Heaven help you! 愿上帝幫助你!”

2. Keep an eye out for

這個片語也寫作“keep a sharp lookout for”,意思是“Be watchful for something or someone留心/小心某人某事”,例如:Keep an eye out for the potholes in the road.

如果想要強調語氣,可以用 keep a sharp eye out for。

They told him to keep a sharp lookout for the police.

3. Scream one’s lungs out

這個表達法的意思是“大聲喊叫,非常響亮的喊叫”,強調“喊得很大聲”,例如:The National Day celebrations were a blast, and it was awesome sitting there in the stands and screaming my lungs out, and singing so much that my voice turned hoarse.

用 lung 來表示“喊得響亮”有一個片語,寫作 at the top of (one's) lungs,意思就是“盡可能地響亮,非常大聲地(喊叫,哭泣等等)”,例如:The babies in the nursery all were crying at the top of their lungs.


文化面面觀   羅馬教廷 Vatican City

考考你   小試牛刀

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