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Beijing Olympics volunteer applicants exceed 1.5 mln
[ 2007-12-06 13:57 ]


Over 1.5 million people have so far applied to volunteer for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. People from all walks of life in the capital are involved in the volunteer campaign to make their contribution to the Games.

This is a competition between human and a computer. Pedestrians judge their ability to give accurate directions.

The volunteer, Xie Liang, speaks without a second thought. He gives directions for 13 people in one minute, while the computer can only manage five sets of directions.

Xie Liang said, "I can remember the routes of all the bus lines starting from Dongzhimen. I work here every day and am used to giving directions. I am addicted to standing here and offering my help."

Xie Liang not only offers help to passers-by, he also trains newcomers. He has taught over 100 students in recent years and all of them have joined the volunteer campaign.

Beijing residents are keen to participate in the campaign. 800-thousand people have applied to work as volunteers around city. About half of them will be lucky enough to be chosen.

500 volunteer visitor service stands will be set up across the city. After the Games' closing ceremony, these stands will continue to provide assistance to tourists.

As the Paralympics approach, many disabled people who cannot take part in the competitions want to take part in voluntary service as well.

Olympic volunteer Gao Yuhong said, "I am glad to contribute. I am only making modest efforts and I don't think it's a big deal."

The spirit of the disabled volunteers has encouraged other people to take part in the campaign.

Beijing resident Li Zhongliang said, "After seeing what they have done, I filled in the application form immediately. If I have a chance to serve, I will try my best to help others."

Volunteers for the upcoming Games are also promoting the "Smile Campaign", which aims to spread warmth and friendliness among locals and visitors.

In 2008, the Olympic volunteers will deliver both warm smiles and top quality service to visitors from around the world.

(Source: cctv.com 英語點津姍姍編輯)


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