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You've got mail《電子情緣》精講之一
[ 2008-02-03 11:19 ]


影片簡介  電子情緣 You’ve Got Mail

考考你   一展身手





Schuyler Fox: Your father's getting married again.

Joe: Really?

Schuyler Fox: Yep.

Joe: Congratulations!

Nelson Fox: Thank you.

Joe: Why?

Nelson Fox: Who knows?

Joe: Love?

Nelson Fox: Possible.

Schuyler Fox: I think you're a damn fool!

Nelson Fox: Pop, Matthew is four years old, okay? It'd be nice if he knew his parents were married.

Joe: Listen, I have a sad announcement to make. City Books on 23rd Street. It's going under.

Nelson Fox: Another independent bites the dust.

Schuyler Fox: On to the next!

Joe: Going to buy out their inventory of architecture and New York history for the new store.

Nelson Fox: How much, son, how much are you paying?

Joe: Whatever it costs, it won't be as much as that exquisitely uncomfortable mohair episode there which is now all over my suit.

Nelson Fox: Here you go.

Joe: Thanks. We're also going have a section dedicated just to writers who’ve lived on the West Side.

Schuyler Fox: As a shot to the neighborhood.

Nelson Fox: Perfect. Keep those West Side liberal nuts, pseudo-intellectual--

Joe: Readers, Dad. They're called readers.

Nelson Fox: Don't do that, son, don’t romanticize them. It'll keep them fromjumping down your throat.

Schuyler Fox: What's the competition?

Joe: One mystery store, Sleuth, at 78th and Amsterdam and a children's bookstore, Shop Around The Corner. It's been there forever.

Schuyler Fox: Cecilia's store.

Joe: Who's that?

Schuyler Fox: Cecilia Kelly.


1. Pop

這里的pop 是 papa 的另一種叫法,感覺上相當于我們說的“老爸”。

2. Go under

我們常用上坡、下坡來代表事業的成功和失敗,從 go under 的字面上來看,我們也可以猜到這個片語的意思是“suffer defeat or destruction; fail失敗”,例如:We feared the business would go under after the founder died. 我們曾擔心創始人去世后公司會經營失敗。

3. Independent

這里的 independent 是指“自營的(企業),不依靠也不加入某個大的或主要的集團或體系”。

4. Bite the dust

這個片語的意思是“suffer defeat or death 遭遇失敗/死亡”,可能是取“死了埋在土里就會 bite the dust”的意思吧,我們來看個例子:The 1990 election saw both of our senators bite the dust. 90年的大選,我們的兩位參議員都失敗了。

5. Buy out

Buy out 的意思是“to purchase the entire stock, business rights, or interests of 買盡,買下全部”,例如: A rival store owner offered to buy out my grandfather, but he refused. 一家競爭店鋪的老板提出要買我祖父的全部資產,我祖父拒絕了。

6. Jump down someone's throat

這個片語的意思是“Strongly criticize, reprimand or disagree with someone 強烈地譴責某人,和某人意見嚴重不同”,例如:Just because I admitted to being there, you needn't jump down my throat. 我不過承認去過哪兒,你用不著這樣苛責我。


影片簡介  電子情緣 You’ve Got Mail

考考你   一展身手

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