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Alice in wonderland《愛麗絲漫游仙境》精講之一

[ 2010-05-10 13:53]     字號 [] [] []  
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Alice: Hamish, do you ever get tired of quadrille?

Hamish: On the contrary. I find it envigorating. Do I amuse you?

Alice: No. I had a sudden vision. Off all the ladies in trousers and the men wearing dresses

Hamish: It would be best to keep your visions to yourself. When in doubt, remain silent. Pardon us, sir. Ms. Kingsley is distracted today. Where is your head?

Alice: I was wondering what it would be like to fly.

Hamish: Why would spend your time thinking about such an impossible thing?

Alice: Why wouldn't I? My father said he sometimes believed in six impossible things before breakfast.

Hamish: Alice, meet me at the Gazebo in precisely ten minutes.

Girls: We have a secret to tell you.

Alice: If you're telling me, then it's not much of a secret.

Girls: Perhaps we shouldn't. We've decided we should. If you tell us, we won't be surprised. Will you be surprised?

Alice: Not if you tell me. But now you've brought it up, you have to.

Girls: No, we don't. In fact, we won't.

Alice: I wonder if your mother knows that you two swim naked into Havershim pond.

Girls: You wouldn't.

Alice: Oh, but I would. There's your mother right now

Girls: Hamish is going to ask for your hand.

Margaret: You've ruined the surprise. Oh, I could strangle them! Everyone of us went through so much trouble to keep it a secret.

Alice: Does everyone know?

Margaret: That's why they have all come. This is your engagement party. Hamish will ask you under the gazebo when you say "yes" ...

Alice: But I don't know if I want to marry Hamish.

Margaret: Who then? You won't do better than a lord. You'll soon be 20, Alice. That pretty face won't last forever. You don't want to end up like aunt Imogen. You don't want to be a burden for mother, do you?

Alice: No.

Margaret: So, you'll marry Hamish. You'll be as happy as I am with Lowell and you live will be perfect. It's already decided.

Hamish's mother: Alice, dear.

Margaret: I'll leave you to it.

hamish's mother: Shall we take a leisurely stroll through the garden, just you and me?Do you know what I've always dreaded?

Alice: The decline of teh artistocracy ?

Hamish's mother: Ugly grandchildren. But you are lovely. You are bound to produce little...Imbeciles! The gardeners planted white roses when i specifically asked for red.

Alice: You could always paint the roses red.

Hamish's mother: What an odd thing to say. You should know that my son has extremely delicate digestion.

Alice: Did you see that?

Hamish's mother: See what?

Alice: It was a rabbit, I think.

Hamish's mother: Nasty things. I'd enjoy setting the dogs on them. If you serve Hamish the wrong foods, he could get a blockage.

Alice: Did you see it that time?

Hamish's mother: See what?

Alice: The rabbit!

Hamish's mother: Don't shout! Now pay attention. Hamish said you were easily distracted. What was I saying?

Alice: Hamish was a blockage. I couldn't be more interested, but you'll have to excuse me. Aunt Imogen! I think I'm going mad. I keep seeing a rabbit in a waist coat.

Imogen: I can't be bothered with you fancy rabbit now. I'm waiting for my fiancee.

Alice: Your have a fiancee? There! Did you see it?

Imogen: He's a prince. But alas he can not marry me unless he renounces his crown. It's tragic, isn't it?

Alice: Very. Lowell?

Lowell: Alice! We were just ...Kathy is an old friend.

Alice: I can see you are very close.

Lowell: You won't mention this to your sister, will you?

Alice: I don't know. I'm confused. I need time to think;

Lowell: Well, think About Margaret. She'd never trust me again. You don't want to ruin her marriage, do you?

Alice: Me? But I'm not the one who is sneaking around her back...

Hamish: Here you are. Alice Kingsley ...

Alice: Hamish.

Hamish: What is it?

Alice: You have a caterpillar on his shoulder.

Hamish: You'll want to wash that finger. Alice Kingsley ... Will you be my wife?

Alice: Well ...Everyone expects me to. And, you are a Lord. My fast won't last and I don't want to end up like..But this is happening so quickly, I...I think I ... I need a moment.

妙語佳句 活學活用

1. quadrille: 方陣舞,卡德利爾舞(舊時流行,由四對或以上的男女構成方陣),也可以表示跳方陣舞時的舞曲。

2. where is your head:你在想什么?

3. gazebo: 露臺,涼亭,也可以表示屋頂塔樓。

4. not much of a:稱不上。愛麗絲的意思是“如果你們要告訴我,那就算不上秘密了。”

例如:It's not much of a dinner.(這算不上什么正餐。)

5. ask for one's hand:向某人求婚。如果接受了對方的求婚,就是give one's hand。

6. strangle:勒死,使窒息。大家費盡心思保守的秘密被姐妹倆泄露了,所以瑪格麗特說“我得掐死她們”。

例如:The hooligan strangled her with a piece of string. 那流氓用一根繩子把她勒死了。

7. engagement party:訂婚派對,訂婚宴。Engagement在這里就是“訂婚”的意思,所以訂婚時男女戴的戒指就被稱為engagement ring。

8. imbecile:笨蛋,蠢貨。

9. blockage: 原意為“阻塞物”,在這里是說哈米什容易“消化不良”。愛麗絲沒有專心聽未來的婆婆訓話,所以在被要求重復時,說成了“哈米什是個塞子”。

10.waist coat:馬甲,西服的背心。

11.renounce one's crown:放棄王位。Renounce在這里表示“斷絕關系”。

12.sneak around one's back:sneak around表示“偷跑出去瞎混”。這句話是指洛威爾“背著妻子瑪格麗特偷腥”。



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