Leigh Anne Tuohy: Hey.
S.J. Tuohy: What, Mom?
Sean Tuohy: Good job. Good job. Hey, I got a question for you.
S.J. Tuohy: Go.
Sean Tuohy: There was a little girl about two rows back. What was her name?
S.J. Tuohy: Oh, that was Chimsey.
Sean Tuohy: Kinsey. Yeah. I saw your little Indian feathers get all ruffle up.
S.J. Tuohy: Yeah. It's nice.
Leigh Anne Tuohy: SJ, don't let this go to your head but I've thought you were very convincing in the role of...
S.J. Tuohy: Indian Number Three.
Leigh Anne Tuohy: Yes.
S.J. Tuohy: I tried out for the Chief but they gave it to Andy Sung. I can't be sure, but I think there was some multi-cultural bias thing working.
Sean Tuohy: Or maybe they just thought he'd make a better Chief.
S.J. Tuohy: Dad, he's like Chinese.
Leigh Anne Tuohy: Yeah. You're Irish. And if you weren't the Chief, how did you get that headdress?
S.J. Tuohy: Dad, I'm gonna need a few more of those free Quesadilla tickets.
Leigh Anne Tuohy: And where does the acorn fall?
Sean Tuohy: Hey, don't laugh too hard. The Quesadilla saved our ass.
Leigh Anne Tuohy: Don't use the a-word. What is he wearing? It's freezing. What's his name again?
S.J. Tuohy: Big Mike.
Leigh Anne Tuohy: Where's he going?
Sean Tuohy: Hey, Big Mike! Where you headin'?
Michael Oher: Gym....
Sean Tuohy: Okay.
Leigh Anne Tuohy: Turn around. Big Mike... Stop the car. Big Mike. Hey, my name is Leigh Anne Tuohy. My kids go to Wingate. You said you're going to the gym? The school gym's closed. Why were you going to the gym? Big Mike?! Why were you going to the gym?
Michael Oher: Because... it's warm.
Leigh Anne Tuohy: Do you have any place to stay tonight? Don't you dare lie to me.
Sean Tuohy: I've seen that look many times. She's about to get her way.
Leigh Anne Tuohy: Come on. Come on. SJ, make room. Get in the car. Come on.
Sean Tuohy: Where are we going?
Leigh Anne Tuohy: Home.
Collins Tuohy: Oh no! That's my favourite part. So cute. How'd the dork do in the school play? Umm... Okay.
Leigh Anne Tuohy: Collins, you know Big Mike from the School? I'd give you the best bedroom but it's full of sample boxes. And the sectional in the family room slides apart when you sleep on it. At least that's what Sean says.
Michael Oher: Mr. Tuohy sleeps on the coach?
Leigh Anne Tuohy: Only when he's bad. Alright. The powder room's right there and we'll be upstairs if you need us. Alright? Right. Sleep tight, honey. Was this a bad idea?
Sean Tuohy: What?
Leigh Anne Tuohy: Don't lie there and pretend like you're not thinking the same thing as me.
Sean Tuohy: Fine, tell me what you're thinking so I know what's supposed to be on my mind.
Leigh Anne Tuohy: How well do you know Big Mike?
Sean Tuohy: In case you haven't noticed he doesn't have much to say. What's the big deal? It's just for one night, right? It is just one night, right? Leigh Anne?
Leigh Anne Tuohy: You don't think he'll steal anything, do you?
Sean Tuohy: I guess we'll know in the morning.
妙語佳句 活學活用
1. ruffle up:把……弄亂,弄皺。引申為使生氣、心煩。例如:Don't get ruffled up about it.(不要為這件事生氣。)
2. go to one's head:沖昏某人的頭腦。例如:Fame will go to your head.(名聲會沖昏你的頭腦。)
3. Chief:在此處指酋長。一般用來指(公司或機構的)首領,頭目,最高領導人。
4. multi-cultural bias:多元文化的偏見,在這里指種族偏見。multi-cultural就是指“多元文化的”。
5. Quesadilla:油炸玉米粉餅,一種墨西哥食品,以干酪等為餡。
6. where does the acorn fall:俗語,有其父必有其子。
7. save our ass:俚語,救命。
8. a-word:臟話,相當于dirty word、a four-letter word、bad language、或者smut。
9. get one's way:隨心所欲,這里是說“她又要自己出頭解決了”。
10.make room:騰地方,讓路。表示“讓位給某人”時后面常加for。
例如:I always thought he was kind of a dork.(我總認為他是個傻瓜/書呆子)。
13.powder room:洗手間的委婉說法。在美語中專指客用盥洗室。
14.what's the big deal:沒什么大不了的。