"Dear hostess, I am Clock and a student from Anhui Province. I want to know the usage of different phrases of 'back', for instance, 'back up' and 'back out'. Thanks!"
"Dear hostess, I am Clock and a student from Anhui Province. I want to know the usage of different phrases of 'back', for instance, 'back up' and 'back out'. Thanks!"
Back 這個詞本身有很多不同的詞性和不為學習英語的朋友們所熟知的意思。Back 在現代英語中出現的頻率很高,也有很多巧用和衍伸的意思,詞雖小但身肩數職。
我們在節目里將講解 back 作為副詞、動詞、形容詞和名詞的意思和用法。