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[ 2007-12-11 14:49 ]

Outgoing Argentine President Nestor Kirchner passes the presidential baton to his wife, Crisitina Fernandez, moments after Fernandez was sworn in as Argentina's next president in Buenos Aires, Argentine, December 10, 2007. [Agencies]

Cristina Fernandez, who took office earlier as Argentine president, Monday swore in her cabinet which will sit in the White Salon at the Casa Rosada Government Palace.

The first official sworn in was Alberto Fernandez as cabinet chief, the post Fernandez had held under previous President Nestor Kirchner, who is also her husband.

She then swore in the following ministers: Martin Lousteau for economy, Julio de Vido for planning, Anibal Fernandez for justice, Carlos Tomada for labor, Florencio Randazzo for interior, Graciela Ocana for health, Jorge Taiana for foreign affairs, her husband's sister Alicia Kirchner for social development, Nilda Garre for defense, Juan Carlos Tedesco for education and Luis Baranao for science and technology.

Fernandez, a 54-year-old lawyer from the ruling Victory Front party, won a landslide victory in the presidential election in October. She led her closest rival, Elisa Carrio, by 20 percent.

In her first speech as president, Fernandez praised her husband, saying she had received the nation in much better shape than when he took power on May 25, 2003. She said that following political and economic turbulence, he had rebuilt the nation during his four and a half years in office.


(英語點津 Celene 編輯)


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