Colin Farrell was credited as promoting the Irish accent's 'sexiness'.(Agencies)
The Irish accent has beaten its French counterpart as the world's sexiest, thanks to stars like Colin Farrell and James Nesbitt. Men with an Emerald Isle brogue came top in a poll of 5,000 women worldwide, while the French accent only came fourth, just ahead of Australian. Italian, the native language of stars such as jockey Frankie Dettori, was second. In third place was the Scottish burr, made famous by actor Sean Connery. English was sixth and Swedish was seventh, with Spanish, Welsh and American completing the top 10. A spokesman for, which carried out the international survey, blamed French president Nicolas Sarkozy for the French accent's fall from grace. "The French accent is nowhere near as popular as it used to be," he said. "You can probably blame Nicolas Sarkozy for that, he has single-handedly changed the perception of how the world sees French men. "It is good news for the Irish that they have come top, they have been in and around the top five for years now. "But high-profile stars such as Colin Farrell have helped bring the accent more to the fore." The study also found three fifths of women admitted they had been seduced by someone purely because of their accent, while two fifths said they would much rather sleep with a man who had a nice accent, compared to a harsh one. World's Sexiest Accents 1. Irish 2. Italian 3. Scottish 4. French 5. Australian 6. English 7. Swedish 8. Spanish 9. Welsh 10. American (Read by Chantal Anderson. Chantal Anderson is a multimedia journalist at the China Daily Web site.) 點擊查看更多雙語新聞
日前,愛爾蘭口音(點擊收聽)擊敗法國口音,獲評全球最性感口音。這都要歸功于柯林?法瑞爾和詹姆斯?內斯比特等明星。 這項有關口音的民調共對全球五千名女性進行了調查。其中,說愛爾蘭語的男性最受女性青睞。法國口音僅名列第四,排在澳大利亞口音之前。 意大利口音名列第二。代表明星包括職業賽馬騎師弗蘭基?德托等。 以“小舌音”為主要特點的蘇格蘭口音位列第三,這主要歸功于男星肖恩?康納利。 英格蘭口音名列第六,瑞典口音位居第七。排在前十位的還包括西班牙口音、威爾士口音和美國口音。 開展該全球調查的www.OnePoll.com網站的一名發言人稱,法國口音“失寵”的“罪魁禍首”是總統尼古拉?薩科奇。 他說:“法國口音遠不如原來那么受歡迎了。” “你可以怪尼古拉?薩科奇。僅因為他一個人的不足,就改變了全世界對法國男人的看法。” “此次愛爾蘭口音登上榜首對于愛爾蘭人來說是個好消息。這些年來,愛爾蘭口音一直排在前五名左右。” “但柯林?法瑞爾等一些著名明星也是讓愛爾蘭口音人氣增長的重要原因。” 調查還發現,五分之三的女性坦稱,自己曾僅僅因為某位男士的口音而被對方吸引。五分之二的女性稱,與口音難聽的男士相比,她們更愿意和口音好聽的男士上床。 全球最性感口音排行榜 1. 愛爾蘭口音 2. 意大利口音 3. 蘇格蘭口音 4. 法國口音 5. 澳大利亞口音 6. 英格蘭口音 7. 瑞典口音 8. 西班牙口音 9. 威爾士口音 10.美國口音 相關閱讀 (英語點津Julie 姍姍編輯) |
Vocabulary: Emerald Isle:Ireland(綠寶石島,即愛爾蘭島) brogue:an Irish accent in the pronunciation of English(土音,尤指愛爾蘭講英語時的土腔) jockey:a person who rides horses professionally in races(職業賽馬騎師) burr:a pronunciation of the r-sound as a uvular trill, as in certain Northern English dialects(帶濃重r音的口音,某些英語方言中的典型發音) fall from grace:to lose favor; be discredited(失去信任,失去恩寵) nowhere near:遠不如 single-handedly:in a single-handed manner(獨立地,單獨地) high-profile:a deliberately conspicuous manner of living or operating(知名度很高的,高調的) to the fore:into a conspicuous place or position; to or at the front(在前面,使突出) |