Invest in protection: Expensive medical care for the animals can be a burden for families, leading to the need of pet insurance. Wang Zhenghua / Shanghai Star |
Pet owners in Shanghai are now able to insure their cats and dogs, including unlicensed ones, to cover the costs if their pets fall ill or have an unexpected accident.
在推出天氣保險(weather insurance)、世界杯保險(World Cup insurance)以及賞月險(insurance policy for full moon gazing)之后,國內的兩家保險公司最近把目光投向了貓狗等寵物,推出了寵物保險產品(pet insurance policy)。
其中一個產品為綜合保險產品,涵蓋寵物醫療費用(pet's medical costs)、第三方責任保險(third-party liability insurance)、寵物丟失后的廣告費用(the advertising fee for searching for a lost animal),以及寵物死亡后的補償(allowance for a pet’s death)。
據悉,保險公司采用先進的DNA身份認定技術(DNA identification technology)來認證寵物身份,因此未在公安機關登記的寵物也可以上保險。
(中國日報網英語點津 Helen)