養家太太 alpha earner
[ 2009-09-24 14:42 ]
長久以來,很多國家的家庭模式都是“男主外,女主內”。如果有誰家的妻子在外掙錢養家,而丈夫在家做家務,就會有好事者說他“吃軟飯”。可是到了現在,這樣“女主外,男主內”的模式已經不是什么新鮮事了。男女都一樣,分工各不同。很多女性都樂意做一個快樂的alpha earner。
This newly coined phrase “alpha earner” describes a growing trend where the wife becomes the bread-winner and the husband stays home to manage the children and household chores. Approximately 11 percent of marriages evolve around an alpha earner. In 30.7 percent of all marriages with a wife working outside of the home, her income exceeds that of her husband.
新興詞匯alpha earner(養家太太)描述的是妻子掙錢養家,而丈夫在家里看孩子、做家務的這樣一種日趨多見現象。大約有11%的婚姻家庭是由養家太太來維持的。妻子在外工作的所有家庭中,妻子收入高于丈夫的占到了30.7%。
The trend is caused by two main factors, experts say - a growing acceptance of men as househusbands and mass redundancy of male white-collar workers from the technology, finance and media industries in the last three years.
憂天的“杞人” worry wart
辦公室的“技術達人” alpha geek
胸大無腦的女人 bimbo
(英語點津 Helen 編輯)