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The Central Economic Work Conference vowed to maintain a stable economic situation while achieving reasonable growth. But no specific GDP growth target was announced.
中央經濟工作會議(Central Economic Work Conference)是判斷當前經濟形勢(economic situation)和定調第二年宏觀經濟政策(macroeconomic policy)最權威的風向標,同時也是每年級別最高的經濟工作會議。
會議指出,做好明年經濟工作,最核心的是要堅持穩中求進、改革創新(to seek steady growth and promote reforms and innovations)。
1. 切實保障國家糧食安全(to safeguard national food security)。必須實施以我為主、立足國內、確保產能、適度進口、科技支撐的國家糧食安全戰略(A national food security strategy based on domestic supply and moderate imports will be followed. It will ensure production capacity and endorse science and technology.)。
2. 大力調整產業結構(to make strenuous efforts to adjust the country's industrial structure)。要著力抓好化解產能過剩和實施創新驅動發展(eliminating obsolete and unneeded capacity and promoting innovation-driven growth)。
3. 著力防控債務風險(to make an effort to control the debt risks of local governments)。加強源頭規范,把地方政府性債務分門別類納入全口徑預算管理,嚴格政府舉債程序(to strengthen regulations for local governments' debt issuance and classify local governments' debt into different categories)。
4. 積極促進區域協調發展(to actively promote the coordinated development of all the regions)。要繼續深入實施區域發展總體戰略,完善并創新區域政策,重視跨區域、次區域規劃(to deepen the implementation of overall regional development strategies, improve and create new regional development policies and pay attention to cross-regional and sub-regional development planning programs)。
5. 著力做好保障和改善民生工作。要繼續按照守住底線、突出重點、完善制度、引導輿論的思路,切實做好改善民生各項工作(the government must improve citizens' living conditions by "defending the bottom line, doing well in key points, improving systems and guiding public opinion")。
6. 不斷提高對外開放水平(to improve the nation's opening-up process)。要保持傳統出口優勢,創造新的比較優勢和競爭優勢,擴大國內轉方式調結構所需設備和技術等進口(China should maintain its traditional export strengths, create new comparative advantages and competitive edges, but should also boost imports of equipment and technology that are badly needed for its domestic restructuring process and the transformation of its development model)。
(中國日報網英語點津 Helen)
上一篇 : 11月“新增人民幣貸款”超預期
下一篇 : 中國經濟增長的“四維模式”
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